
Emma Goldman

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Emma Goldman's mugshot in 1901.

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Emma Goldman.

Emma Goldman’s “Anarchism Without Adjectives”

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Mexican immigrants huddled in a cage during Operation Wetback.

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J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover Shaped US History for the Worse

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Eugene Debs mug shots at the US Penitentiary in Atlanta.

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Black and white photo of Eugene Debs being released from an Atlanta federal prison on Christmas Day, 1921.

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The Almanac Singers playing various instruments, including guitars, a banjo, and an accordion.

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The Radical Women Who Paved the Way for Free Speech and Free Love

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Eugene V. Debs, in prison clothes, flanked by Socialist party leaders.

Free Speech Wasn't So Free 103 Years Ago

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“The Unrestricted Dumping-Ground” by Louis Dalrymple, published in Judge, Vol. 44-45 (1903).

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When America Tried to Deport Its Radicals

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New York City skyscrapers

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The Old West’s Muslim Tamale King

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