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UAW members during a sit-down strike in 1937

Remembering the First Clash Between UAW and GM

The GM strike recalls the Flint sit-down strikes of 1936-7: a profit-hungry corporation, a fed-up workforce, and workers' willingness to take militant action.
Flint, Michigan sit-down strike.

The 1936 Sit-Down Strike That Shook the Auto Industry

Over 136,000 GM workers participated in the strike in Flint, Michigan that became known as 'the strike heard round the world.'
A Bank of America branch in San Francisco.

Bond Villains

Municipal governments today hold around $4 trillion in outstanding debt. The growing costs of simply servicing their debt is cannibalizing their annual budgets.
United Auto Workers members at a rally.

UAW Strikes Built the American Middle Class

Today’s strikers are seeking to renew the broadly shared prosperity that earlier UAW work stoppages created.
Woman strikers marching past vandalized factory building.

The Autoworker Strikes That Changed America

The first UAW strike was in the 1930s. Over the next century, the union amassed significant power while demanding higher wages, better benefits and protections.
Demonstrators march with t-shirts and signs in support of labor unions.

Labor Union Activism Is on the Rise, Recalling the Great Depression

Spurred by the pandemic, new groups of workers are pushing to form unions in activism not seen since the 1930s.
Collage of people and water.

America’s Blueprint For Urban Inequity Was Drawn in Philly. Where Do We Go From Here?

From a bus line named Jim Crow to racial violence at public parks, racism shaped Philadelphia. Can we imagine a more equitable city?
Abstract collage artwork called "the weight of scars."

A Framework to Help Us Understand the World

Out of a common history emerged racism, capitalism, and the whole world. This offers us a clue on how to change that world.
Rescue workers look through the roof of a submerged Rapid City house for flood victims on June 12, 1972.

A Largely Forgotten Flood Ignited The Environmental Justice Movement

The Rapid City flood helped define pervasive environmental injustice and catalyze action.
The Detroit Renewable Power waste incinerator

Dire Straits

A new history of Detroit’s struggles for clean air and water argues that municipal debt and austerity have furthered an ongoing environmental catastrophe.

Wearing The Lead Glasses

Lead contamination in New Orleans and beyond.

The Role of Water in African American History

Have historians privileged land-based models and ignored how African Americans participated in aquatic activities?

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