
Donald Trump

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How Americans Described Evil Before Hitler

Commentators compared the Nazi leader to Napoleon, Philip of Macedon, and Nebuchadnezzar.

Did George Washington ‘Have a Couple of Things in His Past’?

A historian assesses Donald Trump’s claim that the first president faced his own allegations of sexual assault.
Children bringing home remains of a bed. Coal mining camp, Scotts Run, West Virginia. (1938)

James M. Cain and the West Virginia Mine Wars

Sean Carswell looks into James M. Cain and his time reporting on the West Virginia Mine Wars.

Will Democrats Regret Weaponizing the Judiciary?

Using the court system to stymie a president has backfired before.

In the Dismal Swamp

Though Donald Trump has made it into a catchphrase, he didn’t come up with the metaphor “drain the swamp.”
Title page of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense."

Anonymous Criticism Helped Make America Great

Trump’s critic is utilizing a practice employed by many of the Founding Fathers to protect truth from power.
Cartoon depiction of a labor strike

“Labor Day” Isn’t Labor Day

The annual worker’s holiday in the rest of the world is May Day. Why not here?
African American medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos with their fists raised during the national anthem at the 1968 Olympics.

This Isn’t the First Time Professional Athletics, Protest and Politics Have Mixed

The long history of athletes taking a stand for racial justice.

W.E.B. Du Bois and the Fight for American Democracy

With democracy in peril, Du Bois reminds us of the long fight to protect it.

Trump's Nixon-Style Enemies List

The parallel with Nixon leads to this question: Will voters still hold a president accountable for abuse of power?

Here's Why Republicans' Disturbing Romance With the Racist Confederacy Is so Troubling

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Trump's National Security Justification for Tariffs is Not as Strange as it Sounds

Our concept of national security is so broad it can encompass virtually anything.
Trump's cabinet sitting around a conference table

History Shows Trump May Regret His Scandalous Cabinet

George Washington knew the perils of letting scandals linger.

Happy, Healthy Economy

Growth is only worth something if it makes people feel good.

Paens to the 'Postwar Order' Won't Save Us

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Ten Years After the Crash, We Are Still Living in the World It Brutally Remade

A seismic reading of the financial earthquake and its aftershocks, including those that still jolt us today.
New York City skyscrapers

Capital of the World

The radical and reactionary currents of New York at the turn of the 20th century.

We’re Never Going to Get Our “Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?” Moment

Because that moment isn’t quite what we remember.

Bad Blood

The history of eugenics in the Progressive Age.
Trump with eyes closed and head bowed as evangelist Paula White leads a prayer at the White House.

The Christian Nationalism of Donald Trump

The debate among American Christians over globalism and nationalism is nothing new — rather, it has been going on for decades.