
Donald Trump

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Appalachian Whiteness: A History that Never Existed

The “fetishization” of Appalachia’s supposed racial and ethnic purity and Trump's proposal to end birthright citizenship.
Soldiers erecting a barbed wire fence at the U.S.-Mexico border.

That Beautiful Barbed Wire

The concertina wire Trump loves at the border has a long, troubling legacy in the West.
Pat Buchanan surrounded by balloons at a campaign rally.

The Year the Clock Broke

How the world we live in already happened in 1992.

Mayberry Machiavelli

The self-congratulatory legacies of ‘A Face in the Crowd.’

'I'm Feeling Bad About America'

The sick history of the U.S. campaign song.

Democrats’ Struggle Over Masculinity 50 Years Ago is Still Playing Out Today

Liberal politicians should trumpet a vision of masculinity that incorporates the best qualities of LBJ and Humphrey.

Populist Persuasions

The promise and perils of left populism.

How Republicans Became Anti-Choice

The Republican Party used control of women’s bodies as political capital to shift the balance of power their way.

The Real Origins of Birthright Citizenship

Its purpose 150 years ago was to incorporate former slaves into the nation.

The Roots of Evangelicals’ Political Fervor

White evangelical Christians are among President Trump’s most important supporters. But more than 40 years ago, they were on the margins of American politics.

How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Migration

When creating ethical immigration policy, it is important to consider the history of U.S. relations with countries like Honduras.

Prisons for Sale, Histories Not Included

The intertwined history of mass incarceration and environmentalism in Upstate New York's prison-building boom.

America Descends Into the Politics of Rage

Trump and other peddlers of angry rhetoric may reap short-term gains, but history suggests they will provoke a fearsome backlash.

Confederate Pride and Prejudice

Some white Northerners see a flag rooted in racism as a symbol of patriotism.

Fighting to Vote

Voting rights are often associated with the Civil Rights Movement, but this fight extends throughout American history.

Capitol Hill Needs Thomas Paine Memorial

Why is there still no memorial to Paine, the immigrant whose writing galvanized the American Revolution?

History for a Post-Fact America

A review of Jill Lepore's new book, which she has called the most ambitious single-volume American history written in generations.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American?

What the DNA controversy reveals about race, identity politics, and the Native American present.

Who Gets to Tell the Story?

Christine Blasey Ford, the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, and battles over America's history.

How Pocahontas—The Myth and the Slur—Props Up White Supremacy

The roots of the attacks on Elizabeth Warren.