
Donald Trump

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Is Impeachment Only About Getting a Conviction?

A new history of Andrew Johnson’s trial reminds us the impeachment is a tool to constrain executive abuse of power and publicize dissent on matters of policy.

This Is Not the Senate the Framers Imagined

The Constitution originally provided for the selection of senators by state legislatures, but the 17th Amendment changed that, and with it, the Senate itself.

National Archives Exhibit Blurs Images Critical of President Trump

Officials altered a photo of the 2017 Women’s March to avoid “political controversy.”
Edmund G. Ross.

Mike Pence’s Impeachment Hero Is a Corrupt 19th Century Politician

An historian debunks the vice president’s op-ed.

Presidents Madison and Trump Did the Same Thing — but Trump Got Impeached

Why criminalizing political opposition can be dangerous.

They Wanted to Remake the World; Instead We Got President Trump

Andrew Bacevich makes the case that America’s elites wasted the promise of the post-Cold War era.

The Shoals of Ukraine

Why has Ukraine been a stumbling block for U.S. foreign policy since the end of the Cold War?
Elizabeth Warren at a debate podium.

Why Family Separation Is So Central to Trump’s Immigration Vision

Strengthening family ties has been key to overcoming nativism — and in 2020, it can do so again.

Trump's not Richard Nixon. He's Andrew Johnson.

Betrayal. Paranoia. Cowardice. We've been here before.

The Infinity War

We say we’re a peaceful nation. Why do our leaders always keep us at war?

Life Under the Algorithm

How a relentless speedup is reshaping the working class.

Trump's Border Wall Threatens an Arizona Oasis with a Long, Diverse History

Border wall construction is encroaching on a site where people from many cultures have interacted for thousands of years.

Republicans Defending Trump on Impeachment Should Fear the Judgment of History

For Nixon stalwarts on the House Judiciary Committee, defending the President became an inalterable epitaph.
Three men in suits.

The GOP Appointees Who Defied the President

In the Watergate era, high-level aides prevented Nixon’s abuses of power. Trump’s underlings can do the same.

Secret US Intelligence Files Provide History’s Verdict on Argentina’s Dirty War

Recently declassified documents constitute a gruesome and sadistic catalog of state terrorism.

The Right’s “Judeo-Christian” Fixation

How a term that sounds inclusive is used to promote exclusion.
Close-up of Spiro T. Agnew as he points his finger from podium.

He Was Trump Before Trump: VP Spiro Agnew Attacked the News Media 50 Years Ago

When Vice President Spiro Agnew gave a speech in 1969 bashing the press, he fired some of the first shots in a culture war that persists to this day.

Whose Boots on the Ground

We invest a great deal of collective energy in commemorating our war dead. But do we remember them?
Trump displaying a table of reciprocal tariffs.

The Dangers of President Trump’s Favorite Word — Reciprocity

The Gilded Age roots of Trump's trade philosophy.
Andrew Johnson impeachment.

The Common Misconception About ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’

The constitutional standard for impeachment is different from what’s at play in a regular criminal trial.