
Donald Trump

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Visitors browse newspaper front pages from the day after the 9/11 terror attacks at the Newseum in Washington, D,C., in 2016. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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Left: stacks of The 1619 Project books; right: Daryl Michael Scott.

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Soldiers looking out of helicopter near Kabul, Afghanistan

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Four members of House committee on Jan. 6. U.S. Capitol Riot, sitting in a hearing.

What History Says About The Jan. 6 Committee Investigation

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Henry Louis Gates Jr.

How Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Helped Remake the Literary Canon

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Stack of Latino history books with checkmark on top

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The sun setting over dozens of B-52 bombers waiting in the Arizona desert to be scrapped at the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center, Tucson, 1998

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A group of white, male college students marching with a Confederate flag at the University of Georgia, 1961

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Richard Nixon giving a press briefing.

Presidents v. Press: How the Pentagon Papers Leak Set Up First Amendment Showdowns

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A woman is surrounded by her children as she sits amid a pile of debris in the processing area towards Abbey Gate, as they wait to leave Afghanistan, Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

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Fast food with the seal of the president on the containers.

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