
Donald Trump

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Trump’s Move to End DACA and Echoes of the Immigration Act of 1924

By ending DACA, President Trump seems to be trying to resurrect a national immigration policy defined by racial engineering.

Where Donald Trump Learned His Tough Love for History

He professes admiration for "statues and monuments" but his family has a record of tearing down rather than preserving.

What the Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us About the North Korean Missile Crisis

To avoid catastrophe, Kennedy turned to diplomacy. Trump would be wise to do the same.
Microphone hovers over a portrait of George Washington.

What Trump — And His Critics — Get Wrong About George Washington and Robert E. Lee

The two men owned slaves — but at vastly different moments in American history.
Violence during the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.

America's Deadly Divide - and Why it Has Returned

Civil War historian David Blight reflects on America’s Disunion – then and now.
Violence during the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.

The Battle of Charlottesville

What happened in Virginia was not the culminating battle of this conflict. It’s likely a tragic preface to more of the same.
Trump speaking.

How the U.S. Lost Its Mind

Make America reality-based again.

Comparing Truman's Hiroshima Statement to Trump's North Korea Ultimatum

What to know before equating "fire and fury" to the "rain of ruin."

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Donald Trump has been playing a lot of golf since becoming president. Can his habit be explained by his "sky-high extroversion?"

Jeff Sessions Is the Canary in the Coal Mine

It took well over a century for the office of the attorney general to accrue power and independence. Trump could blow that all up.

Trump's Argument Against Transgender Soldiers Was Used Against Gays, Women, and Blacks

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No Matter What He Does, History Says Trump Will Never be Popular

Presidents who win the electoral college but lose the popular vote never really recover.

Trump Hasn’t Killed Comedy. He’s Killed Our Stupid Idea of Comedy.

You and I have grown up during a period in which comedy became strangely bound up with truth and virtue. Trump has cut the knot.

Samuel Huntington, a Prophet for the Trump Era

The writings of the late Harvard political scientist anticipate America's political and intellectual battles -- and point to the country we may become.

Presidential Revisionism

The New York Times published the flimsiest defense of Trump’s apparent emoluments violations yet.

How our Appetite for Cheap Food Drove Rural America to Trump

Consumer demand and government policy decimated rural America.

Trump’s Loyalty Fixation Recalls One of the US’s Most Disastrous Presidencies

What we can learn about the current moment from Congress' efforts to impeach Andrew Johnson.

How the Right Gets Reagan Wrong

And what will happen if they don't start getting him right.

Bill O’Reilly Is America’s Best-Selling Historian

And other problems we need to solve before we can get out of this mess.

For-Profit Colleges in American History

Trump University follows a long line of for-profit schools that have faced accusations of dishonesty.