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The Supreme Court Case That Enshrined White Supremacy in Law

How Plessy v. Ferguson shaped the history of racial discrimination in America.

Voter Suppression Carries Slavery's Three-Fifths Clause into the Present

The Georgia governor’s election was the latest example of how James Madison’s words continue to shape our views on race.
Children looking at an architectural model of a city.

Imagining a Past Future: Photographs from the Oakland Redevelopment Agency

City planner John B. Williams — and the photographic archive he commissioned — give us the opportunity to complicate received stories of failed urban renewal.

When King was Dangerous

He's remembered as a person of conscience who carefully broke unjust laws. But his challenges to state authority place him in a much different tradition: radical labor activism.

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Meaning of Emancipation

He was a revolutionary, if one committed to nonviolence. But nonviolence does not exhaust his philosophy.

America’s Original Sin

Slavery and the legacy of white supremacy.
Voters casting ballots in 2008.

The United States Isn’t a Democracy — And Was Never Intended to Be

Voting has always been restricted to empower a minority.


For years, Chicago cops tortured false confessions out of hundreds of black men. Years later, the survivors fought for reparations.

Prisons for Sale, Histories Not Included

The intertwined history of mass incarceration and environmentalism in Upstate New York's prison-building boom.

Fighting to Vote

Voting rights are often associated with the Civil Rights Movement, but this fight extends throughout American history.
Woman gets help filling out voter registration form.

Voter Fraud Isn’t a Problem in America. Low Turnout Is.

For centuries, voter fraud has been used as an excuse to restrict the vote.
Freedom Hill historic marker half underwater in a flood.

The Water Next Time?

For generations, a North Carolina town founded by former slaves has been disproportionately affected by environmental calamity.

How Real Estate Segregated America

Real-estate interests have long wielded an outsized influence over national housing policy—to the detriment of African Americans.

The Origins of Prison Slavery

How Southern whites found replacements for their emancipated slaves in the prison system.

How Small-Town Newspapers Ignored Local Lynchings

Sherilynn A. Ifill on justice (and its absence) in the 1930s.

Bringing a Dark Chapter to Light: Maryland Confronts Its Lynching Legacy

While lynching is most closely associated with former Confederate states, hundreds were committed elsewhere in the country.
853 map of San Francisco by the U. S. Coast Survey

Demolishing the California Dream: How San Francisco Planned Its Own Housing Crisis

Today's housing crisis in San Francisco originates from zoning laws that segregated racial groups and income levels.

Prison Abolition Syllabus 2.0

An updated prison syllabus in response to the national prison strike of 2018.

The Supreme Court Is Headed Back to the 19th Century

The justices again appear poised to pursue a purely theoretical liberty at the expense of the lives of people of color.

In the Hate of Dixie

Cynthia Tucker returns to her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama – also the hometown of Harper Lee, and the site of 17 lynchings.

Fresno’s Mason-Dixon Line

More than 50 years after redlining was outlawed, the legacy of discrimination can still be seen in California’s poorest large city.

Today’s Voter Suppression Tactics Have A 150 Year History

Rebels in the post-Civil War South perfected the art of excluding voters, but it was yankees in the North who developed the script.

As Goes the South, So Goes the Nation

History haunts, but Alabama changes.

The Struggle Over the Meaning of the 14th Amendment Continues

The fight over the 150-year old language in the Constitution is a battle for the very heart of the American republic.
Manuscript of the Fourteenth Amendment.

We Should Embrace the Ambiguity of the 14th Amendment

A hundred and fifty years after its ratification, some of its promises remain unfulfilled—but one day it may still be interpreted anew.

Pretending Not to Discriminate in the Name of National Security

America has always discriminated in the name of national security. It’s just gotten better at pretending it’s not.

Forgotten Feminisms: Johnnie Tillmon's Battle Against 'The Man'

Tillmon and other National Welfare Rights Organization members defied mainstream ideas of feminism in their fight for welfare.
Trump greeting supporters.

White Tribe Rising

What accounts for white tribalism?

The End of Civil Rights

The attorney general is pushing an agenda that could erase many of the legal gains of modern America's defining movement.
Pen Park

The Train at Wood's Crossing

Piecing together the story of an 1898 lynching in a community that chose to forget most of the details.

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