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Viewing 181–210 of 212 results. Go to first page
Map of Boston from 1722.

This "Miserable African": Race, Crime, and Disease in Colonial Boston

The murder that challenged Cotton Mather’s complex views about race, slavery, and Christianity.

The Cure and the Disease

Social Darwinism from AIDS to Covid-19.
Women in the Red Cross posing for a picture

Rampaging Invisible Killer Stalks the Entire Country!

Influenza pandemic of 1918 in the United States.
Woman working on a computer and holding a baby in her lap.

Will Covid-19 Lead to Men and Women Splitting Care Work More Evenly?

History shows that men have always been able to handle care work — when they have to.

Epidemic Proportions

How Americans have understood epidemics, from the Columbian Exchange to COVID-19.

The Oakland Municipal Auditorium set up as a hospital, with Red Cross nurses tending to flu patients, 1918.

The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?

A new book suggests that the plague’s horrors haunt modernist literature between the lines.

When the Seattle General Strike and the 1918 Flu Collided

The first major general strike in the United States coincided with the last major pandemic. Here’s the full story.

Numbering the Dead

A brief history of death tolls.

Don’t Look For Patient Zeros

Naming the first people to fall sick often leads to abuse.
LGBT demonstrators link arms facing a line of mounted police.

They Were Warriors: The ACT UP Protests That Shook Chicago

In 1990, activists — many fighting for their lives — staged one of the biggest AIDS demonstrations in history. Here’s how it played out, in the words of those who were there.
Engraving of Reverend Cotton Mather, 1721, surrounded by a crowd.

The Slave Who Helped Boston Battle Smallpox

Like so many black scientists past, the African who brought inoculation to the American colonies never got his due.

The History of Loneliness

Until a century or so ago, almost no one lived alone; now many endure shutdowns and lockdowns on their own. How did modern life get so lonely?

Surviving a Pandemic, in 1918

A century ago, Catholic nuns from Philadelphia recalled what it was like to tend to the needy and the sick during the great influenza pandemic of 1918.
Rahima Banu

Coronavirus: Lessons From Past Epidemics

Dr. Larry Brilliant, who helped eradicate smallpox, says past epidemics can teach us to fight coronavirus.

Keep it Clean: The Surprising 130-Year History of Handwashing

Until the mid-1800s, doctors didn’t bother washing their hands. Then a Hungarian medic made an essential, much-resisted breakthrough.

Reversing a River: How Chicago Flushed its Human Waste Downstream

In 1906, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Chicago to move forward with a spectacularly disgusting feat of modern engineering.

The Invention of Thanksgiving

Massacres, myths, and the making of the great November holiday.

Resistance to Immunity

A review of three recent books that delve into the history and science of vaccines and immunity, and the anxieties that accompany them.

Flower Power: Hamilton's Doctor and the Healing Power of Nature

In the early 1800s, David Hosack created one of the nation's first botanical gardens to further his pioneering medical research.

The Drunkard’s Progress

Two hundred years ago, it was hard for Americans to miss the message that they had a serious drinking problem.

Sick Days

How Congress bent the rules to combat the Spanish Flu while it's own members began to become victims of the pandemic
Newspaper front-page with headline "When Gen. La Grippe Declares War on the U.S.A."

Forgotten Flu

A look back at the so-called “Spanish Flu," how it affected the U.S., and why it’s often overlooked today.

What Thucydides Knew About the US Today

His accounts of polarization in ancient Athens are as relevant today they were thousands of years ago.

Rediscovering a Founding Mother

Just-discovered letters herald the significance of an unsung Revolutionary woman, Julia Rush.

Remembering When Americans Picnicked in Cemeteries

For a time, eating and relaxing among the dead was a national pastime.
AIDS Memorial Quilt on display on the Mall in Washington, DC in 1987.

'We Need a Day.' Meet the Man Who Helped Create World AIDS Day

A conversation with the man behind World AIDS Day.

Asthma and the Civil Rights Movement

Unraveling the connections between public health and civil rights in 1960s New Orleans.
An illustration of Christopher Columbus’s initial meeting with Native Americans.

The Columbian Exchange

A primary source set and teaching guide created by educators.

Why Are You Not Dead Yet?

Life expectancy doubled in the past 150 years. Here’s why.

Thank the Erie Canal for Spreading People, Ideas and Germs Across America

For the waterway's 200th anniversary, learn about its creation and impact.

A Century of Highway Zombies

Since the 1920s, “highway hypnosis” has lulled drivers to disaster.

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