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A group of people standing outdoors wearing masks over their mouths. This was probably during the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. One of the women has a sign in front of her reading 'Wear a mask or go to jail."

Wear a Mask or Go to Jail

What the history of the 1918 Flu Pandemic can help us understand about today's public health measures.
A nurse tends to a patient in the influenza ward of the Walter Reed hospital in Bethesda, Md.

1918 Flu Pandemic Upended Long-standing Social Inequalities – At Least for a Time

The first flu children encounter shapes their immune systems. This had a surprising effect on Black and white mortality rates in 1918.
Lutiant LaVoye

Searching for Lutiant: An American Indian Nurse Navigates a Pandemic

A 1918 letter sent a historian diving into the archives to learn more about its author.
An advertisement for Bayer aspirin and heroin.

Treating the (Last) Pandemic

Heroin, Aspirin, and The Spanish Flu.

1918 Flu Pandemic

Its public health implications in 1918-19, and the way it's been remembered in the years since.

People wait for a free coronavirus test outside the Lincoln Park Recreation Center in Los Angeles on Dec. 30.

The 1918 Flu is Even More Relevant in 2022 Thanks to Omicron

The past provides a key lesson to minimize the damage from the omicron surge.
Advertisement during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.

Political Accountability and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Why do some political incumbents adopt aggressive measures to slow the spread of infectious diseases while others do not?
Geometric design of influenza epidemic

The 1918 Influenza Won't Help Us Navigate This Pandemic

We have no historical precedent for this moment.
Two women holding camphor, which is on a string around their necks

Flu, 1918

Remembering a year of hell and devastation—the year of the Spanish flu.
A collage featuring pictures from the 1918 Flu Pandemic and the 1920s, including people wearing masks and nurses on one side and flappers on the other.

What Caused the Roaring Twenties? Not the End of a Pandemic (Probably)

As the U.S. anticipates a vaccinated summer, historians say measuring the impact of the 1918 influenza on the uproarious decade that followed is tricky.
Medical men wearing masks at a US Army hospital

Why Do We Forget Pandemics?

Until the Covid-19 pandemic, the catastrophe of the Spanish flu had been dropped from American memory.
Nurses parading down a city street.

Right All the Way Through: Dr. Minerva Goodman and the Stockton Mask Debate

A 1918 debate offers a portrait of the challenges facing local officials during a health emergency.
Armistice Day celebration with a large crowd of people

People Gave Up on Flu Pandemic Measures a Century Ago When They Tired of Them – And Paid a Price

At the first hint the virus was receding, people pushed to get life back to normal. Unfortunately another surge of the disease followed.
Newspaper scraps from the Flu Pandemic of 1918.

We're Celebrating Thanksgiving Amid a Pandemic. Here's How We Did it in 1918 and What Happened Next.

Many Americans were living under quarantines, and officials warned people to stay home for the holiday.
Woodrow Wilson wearing a black coat

What Happened When Woodrow Wilson Came Down With the 1918 Flu?

The president contracted influenza while attending peace talks in Paris, but the nation was never told the full, true story.
Influenza newspaper report

What I Learned by Following the 1918-19 ‘Spanish’ Flu Pandemic in (Almost) Real Time

Once the COVID crisis is over, it may take us quite some time to process and psychologically recover from this tragedy.

Flu Fallout

A majority of the estimated 675,000 American deaths from the influenza pandemic of 1918–19 occurred during the second wave.

“All the World’s a Harem”

How masks became gendered during the 1918–1919 Flu Pandemic.
People wearing masks; one has a sign that reads "Wear a mask or go to jail."

The Last Pandemic

Using history to guide us in the difficult present.

“The Mask Law will be Rigidly Enforced”

Ordinances, arrests, and celebrations during the influenza epidemic.
A painting of two people

Dispatches from 1918

Thinking about our future, we look back on the aftermath of a century-old pandemic.

The Influenza Masks of 1918

Images from a century ago of people doing their best to keep others and themselves safe.
A nurse takes a patient's pulse in the influenza ward. Patient beds are divided by bedsheets. The nurse wears a swath of white fabric around her face.

Commemorating the Nurses of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Female nurses served their country domestically and abroad by caring for soliders striken by the influenza pandemic.
A drawing of a moose skeleton in front of a wilderness scene.

Flu in the Arctic: Influenza in Alaska, 1918

A graphic essay about the brutal toll taken by the epidemic on indigenous communities in Alaska.

Historical Insights on COVID-19, the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, and Racial Disparities

Illuminating a path forward.
Women in the Red Cross posing for a picture

Rampaging Invisible Killer Stalks the Entire Country!

Influenza pandemic of 1918 in the United States.

A Complete Halt to the Liquor Traffic: Drink and Disease in the 1918 Epidemic

In Philadelphia, authorities faced a familiar challenge: to protect public health while maintaining individuals' rights to act, speak, and assemble freely.
The Oakland Municipal Auditorium set up as a hospital, with Red Cross nurses tending to flu patients, 1918.

The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?

A new book suggests that the plague’s horrors haunt modernist literature between the lines.

A Public Calamity

The ways that authorities in Richmond, Virginia, responded to the 1918 Flu offer a lens onto what – and who – was most valued by those in power there.

If You Think Quarantine Life Is Weird Today, Try Living It in 1918

From atomizer crazes to stranded actor troupes to school by phone, daily life during the flu pandemic was a trip.

A Once-In-A-Century Pandemic

We’re repeating a lot of the same mistakes from the 1918 “Spanish Flu” H1N1 outbreak.

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