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Viewing 61–90 of 119 results. Go to first page

The Roots of Evangelicals’ Political Fervor

White evangelical Christians are among President Trump’s most important supporters. But more than 40 years ago, they were on the margins of American politics.

Evangelicals Bring the Votes, Catholics Bring the Brains

To understand Catholic overrepresentation on the U.S. Supreme Court, we must look to the history of American Catholic education.

Why Putin is an Ally for American Evangelicals

American evangelicals once saw the Soviet Union and other communist countries as the world’s greatest threat to their faith.
Steve Gaines, prays with his wife at the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention meeting.

Southern Baptists, Gender Hierarchy, and the Road to Trump

Many Southern Baptists in the 1970s supported abortion rights and gender equality. What happened?

Evangelical Fear Elected Trump

The history of evangelicalism in America is shot through with fear—but it also contains an alternative.
Billy Graham at the pulpit.

American Evangelicalism and the Politics of Whiteness

If white evangelicals are united by anything, it isn't theology.
Donald Trump shaking hands with Mike Huckabee.

Church of The Donald

Never mind Fox. Trump’s most reliable media mouthpiece is now Christian TV.
William Sloan Coffin Jr. and his daughter.

Anti-War Protests 50 Years Ago Helped Mold The Modern Christian Right

Vietnam created a rupture in the Protestant church.

Why Billy Graham Was Determined to Globalize Evangelicalism

Recognizing that Americans are not the future of his religion, the late preacher embraced a global world.
Billy Graham

Billy Graham Was On the Wrong Side of History

Racial tensions are rising, the earth is warming, and evangelicals are doing little to help. That may be Graham’s most significant legacy.

Why The 'War On Christmas' Just Isn't What It Used To Be

The battle between "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Christmas" goes way deeper than you think.
Women with a sign supporting passage of the ERA.

Who Killed the ERA?

A review of "Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics."
A 1902 football game mid-play, with men from both sides rushing at each other

God and the Gridiron Game

America's obsession with football is nearly as old as the game itself.
Demonstrators protesting new history curriculum

How The Culture Wars Destroyed Public Education

The left's Pyrrhic victory in the culture wars.
Woman with a flower.

The Summer of Love Ended 50 Years Ago. It Reshaped American Conservatism.

The Jesus People, born on Haight Ashbury, had a profound influence on the Religious Right.
Trump speaking.

How the U.S. Lost Its Mind

Make America reality-based again.
Cross necklace worn over "Vote Trump" shirt.

Why Conservative Evangelicals Have Lined Up for Trump

It’s a match made in heaven.

When Dungeons & Dragons Set Off a ‘Moral Panic’

D&D attracted millions of players, along with accusations by some religious figures that the game fostered demon worship and a belief in witchcraft and magic.
Wooden cross across blue sky in background

What Is an 'Evangelical'?

The terms meaning has shifted throughout Christianity’s long history, making it difficult to define.
Group of men including clergy.

Unearthing The Surprising Religious History Of American Gay Rights Activism

Years before Stonewall, many clergy members were standing on the front lines for gay rights.
Former President Jimmy Carter speaking to the congregation at Maranatha Baptist Church before teaching Sunday school in 2019.

Jimmy Carter’s Most Perplexing Legacy

For all of his personal Christian devotion, he could not capture the hearts of white evangelicals.

Why Is ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ So Misunderstood?

At 50, the game is more popular than ever, but its core appeal is still a great secret.
The Battle for the Mind (Tim LaHaye, 1980); from Creationism to Christian Nationalism

The Battle for the Mind (Tim LaHaye, 1980); from Creationism to Christian Nationalism

Tim LaHaye bridged Reagan-era anti-Communism to today’s Christian Nationalism, opposing humanism, evolution, and secularism, emphasizing biblical morality.
James Dobson speaking in front of a sign for his organization, Focus on the Family.

The Surprising Roots of James Dobson's Political Power

The evangelical psychologist gained influence with millions of families through decades of parenting advice focused on strict discipline.
Statute of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, with construction hook ready to remove it.

History Shows the Danger of Comparing Trump to Jesus

It’s important to remember why analogies to Jesus should stay out of the political realm. The results are always ugly.
Antonin Scalia speaking at a Federalist Society event.

How the Federalist Society Conquered the American Legal System

How the Federalist Society became the engine of the conservative legal movement—and where it might be headed next.
Children in a kindergarten classroom at the Horace Mann School, Tulsa, Okla., 1917.

Yes, Schools Should Teach Morality. But Whose Morals?

Belief that schools must teach moral values is older than public schools themselves. But whose morals?
Manifest Destiny painting by Gast.

'Pure White' Examines the White Supremacist Origins of Evangelical Purity Culture

The new podcast discusses how purity is woven into many of the myths that have fed White supremacy in the nation’s past and continue to do so today.
Members of Moms for Liberty stand outside a school, one holding a sign reading "I don't co-parent with the government."

Moms for Liberty Is Riding High. It Should Beware What Comes Next.

Yelling about schools gets people riled up. The outcome can be unpredictable.
Jacob Duché delivers the first prayer in the Continental Congress, 1774.

The Traitor Chaplain Who Gave Government Prayer to America — A 4th of July Corrective

When drafting the Constitution, our founders had no need of prayer.

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