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Viewing 601–630 of 633 results. Go to first page

When ‘Free Speech’ Becomes a Political Weapon

What we can learn from liberal anti-communists.

Conservatives Say Campus Speech Is Under Threat. That’s Been True for Most of History.

There’s never been a golden age of free speech at American universities.

A New View of Grenada’s Revolution

The documentary, "The House on Coco Road" tells the little-known story of Grenada's revolution and subsequent U.S. invasion.

How our Appetite for Cheap Food Drove Rural America to Trump

Consumer demand and government policy decimated rural America.

How Congress Failed to Plan for Doomsday

What would happen if some crazed gunman or terrorist massacred Congress? We don’t really know — and that’s bad news for our democracy.

The Empire’s Amnesia

When it comes to imperialism, Latin America never forgets, and the United States never remembers.

Yes, We’ve Done It Too

A history of the United States meddling in the elections of other countries.
Vapor trails from airplanes.

Leftovers / Vapor Trails

Clouds and conspiracies.
Santa in a rocket sleigh.

A Wonderful Life

How postwar Christmas embraced spaceships, nukes, and cellophane.
Rocket launch

Is a Mission to Mars Morally Defensible Given Today’s Real Needs?

Elon Musk and the rise of Silicon Valley’s strange trickle-down science.
CIA map of food sufficiency in Japan from 1945.

See the Historic Maps Declassified by the CIA

A new gallery provides a rare look inside the 75-year history of the agency’s mapping unit.

The Internet Should Be a Public Good

The Internet was built by public institutions — so why is it controlled by private corporations?
Ross Perot speaking in front of a banner opposing NAFTA.

End of the End of History, Redux

Remember Perot?
Graphic illustration of people standing in a line with text boxes over their heads

Internet Privacy, Funded By Spies

Spies, counterinsurgency campaigns, hippie entrepreneurs, privacy apps funded by the CIA.

Ellis Island's Forgotten Final Act as a Cold War Detention Center

The idealistic interpretation of Ellis Island should be revisited.
Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth the First's spymaster.

Open to Inspection

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the age of surveillance.

Atomic Anxiety and the Tooth Fairy: Citizen Science in the Midcentury Midwest

How the St. Louis Baby Tooth Study reconciled the ritual of childhood tooth loss with the geopolitics of nuclear annihilation.

Green House: A Brief History of “American Poetry”

Tracing its emergence of as a distinct cultural institution.

Our Mis-Leading Indicators

How statistical data came to rule public policy.

The Case for Female Astronauts: Reproducing Americans in the Final Frontier

Imagining a future that separates women from their biological identity seems so “drastic” as to be unimaginable—in 1962 and today.

The Twin Insurgency

The postmodern state is under siege from plutocrats and criminals who unknowingly compound each other’s insidiousness.
Typewriter with keys that have the letters "IA" on each of them.

How Iowa Flattened Literature

With help from the CIA, Paul Engle’s writing students battled Communism and eggheaded abstraction. The damage to writing still lingers.
Black-and-white still image from the film "Dr. Strangelove," in which a man is shouting and waving his hat in the air while riding a missile in flight.

Almost Everything in “Dr. Strangelove” Was True

How Stanley Kubrick’s film “Dr. Strangelove” exposed dangers inherent in nuclear command-and-control systems.

Fierce Urgency of Now

Exploring the origins and impacts of the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom," on that event's 50th anniversary.

The True Story of History's Only Known Meteorite Victim

Ann Hodges was hit by a meteorite in her Alabama home in 1954.
An American flag with the stars replaced by Chiquita logos and the stripes containing the words "The United Fruit Co. in Guatemala"

Watch Out For the Top Banana

Edward Bernays and the colonial adventures of the United Fruit Company.

Great Migration Debates: Keywords in Historical Perspective

The use of the word "immigrant" in contemporary debates often reflects a lack of understanding of U.S. immigration history.
French soldiers at the Battle of the Marne, in 1915.

Rethinking the War to End All Wars

For the players in the First World War, the goal was not to prevail but to avoid being seen as the loser.
Nuclear weapon mushroom cloud

Mythologizing the Bomb

The beauty of the atomic scientists' calculations hid from them the truly Faustian contract they scratched their names to.

Jimmy Carter Toasts the Shah

The Shah’s reign witnessed years of oppression against the Iranian people, and Carter’s toast added fuel to the fire.

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