
Curated stories from around the web.
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LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What Everyone Gets Wrong About LBJ’s Great Society

It wasn't some radical left-wing pipedream. It was moderate; and it worked.

Martin Luther King’s Radical Anti-Capitalism

As King’s attention drifted to the problems of the urban north, his critiques came to focus on the economic system itself.
Ticket for Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral service at Morehouse College, April 9, 1968.

The Shot That Echoes Still

James Baldwin's dispatch from MLK's funeral foreshadowed an America we may never escape.
Richard Nixon

What Happens When There’s a Madman in the White House?

“When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
Circus Sideshow, by Georges Seurat, 1887–88.


W.E.B. Du Bois on the beauty of sorrow songs.

Triumph of the Shill

The political theory of Trumpism.

Arsenic and Old Leeches

Three reasons why you shouldn’t consult the nineteenth-century WebMD archives.

How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment

The Founders never intended to create an unregulated individual right to a gun.

The Tragic History of Early Weather Forecasting

Read an excerpt from Al Roker's book about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900.

This 1874 New York Herald Feature Sent Manhattanites Running for Their Lives

James Gordon Bennett Jr.'s most eccentric public service announcement.
Demonstrators at a Black Lives Matter rally.

Fifty Years Ago, the Government Said Black Lives Matter

The conclusions of the 1968 Kerner Report portrayed race relations like no other report in history.
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