Political analyst Kevin P. Phillips in September 1970.

The GOP’s ‘Southern Strategy’ Mastermind Just Died. Here’s His Legacy.

Kevin Phillips help set the Republican Party on the path that led it to Trump.

Jason Aldean Can’t Rewrite the History His Song Depends On

That history has nothing to do with culture wars, and everything to do with what real justice looks like in the United States, and who has access to it.
Political cartoon of Franklin Roosevelt pulling the Democratic Party donkey with Uncle Sam, Congress, and Republicans behind them.

Pitching the Big Tent

The secret, often missing ingredient to building a majoritarian progressive coalition.
Ronald Reagan

The Fairness Doctrine Sounds A Lot Better Than It Actually Was

A return to the fairness doctrine wouldn't curb the damage caused by the far-right media ecosystem fueling much of America's conspiracy-driven politics.
Biden in the Oval Office signing executive actions

Biden Rescinding the 1776 Commission Doesn't End the Fight over History

The 1776 Commission marks the depth of right-wing commitment to ideological pseudo-history that can be used to shut down meaningful conversation about racism.
Boys holding a sign and working

What the Greatest Generation Had That the Covid Generation Lacks

Americans are no more selfish in 2020 than they were in the 1940s, the difference between the two moments is about national leadership, not national character.
The Supreme Court building in Washington, D. C.

Why History Shows 'Court Packing' Isn't Extreme

Court packing obscures more than it reveals about the current debate over the size of the Supreme Court.

The Difference Between Nixon and Trump is Fox News

Fox News shields President Trump, but his love for their conspiracies might bring him down.
President Richard Nixon prepares to go on television May 23, 1970 in the Oval Office.

Trump is Not the First GOP President to Try to Make the Media ‘Fair’

Conservatives love rules about political balance — when they’re in charge.
Protesters with KKK hoods and Goldwater signs.

How the Right Became Addicted to Conspiracies

The conservative conspiracy lit that paved the way for Donald Trump.
Trump smirking.

Was 2017 the Craziest Year in U.S. Political History?

A dozen historians weigh in.

Understanding the Antifa

The anti-fascist left stems from a long tradition of violence and protest in America.

Democrats with Dreams of Impeachment Should Consider how Iran-Contra Turned Out

The investigation brought indictments and convictions — but Reagan weathered the storm.

“This is Not Who We Are,” Critics Say About the Refugee Ban. But What if it is?

Fighting over immigration is central to the American story.

The 'Madman Theory' of Nuclear War Has Existed for Decades. Now, Trump Is Playing the Madman.

Is he crazy, or crazy like a fox?

Why the Vice Presidency Matters

Choosing a running mate used to be more about campaigning than governing. But after Richard Nixon’s ruinous relationship with Spiro Agnew, the job has changed.
Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich.

They Were Made for Each Other

How Newt Gingrich laid the groundwork for Donald Trump's rise.