Engraving by Samuel de Champlain of himself and his Algonquin allies attacking the Iroquois.

An Expanding Vision of America

Major new books about the peoples who lived in North America for millennia before the arrival of Europeans are reshaping the history of the continent.
Illustration of Paxton Gang attacking indigenous people.

Colonial Civility and Rage on the American Frontier

A 1763 massacre by colonial settlers exposed the the irreconcilable contradictions of conquest by people concerned with civility.
Iroquois Leaders

One of the Most Important American Documents You’ve Never Heard Of

Colonial lessons in civility from the Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee.
A late 17th-century comb, depicting two animated figures - likely a Native American and a European - facing one another.

A 1722 Murder Spurred Native Americans' Pleas for Justice in Early America

In a new book, historian Nicole Eustace reveals Indigenous calls for meaningful restitution and reconciliation rather than retribution.

Fresh Takes on the Declaration of Independence

A new look at the Declaration of Independence from 24 scholars across the country.