
Bill Clinton

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Somewhere in Between

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The Amplified Age

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Reagan poses for a photo op after with a stack of tax cut legislation in 1981.

I Helped Create the GOP Tax Myth. Trump is Wrong: Tax Cuts Don’t Equal Growth.

The best growth in recent memory came after President Bill Clinton raised taxes in the ’90s.
Trump speaking.

When Presidents Get Angry

Other presidents used their anger for a purpose — Trump just rages blindly.

Impeachment, American Style

It’s our democracy’s ultimate weapon for self-defense. But does intense political opposition justify its use?

The Ideological Slipperiness of the Kennedy Legacy

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In order to win universal health care, we have to understand what — and who — we're up against.
A painting of a "traditional" mid-20th century nuclear family.

All in the Family Debt

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How America Shed the Taboo Against Preventive War

If Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan were transported to 2017, they would be shocked that the United States is considering an attack on North Korea.

The Bitter History of Law and Order in America

It has stifled suffrage, blamed immigrants for chaos, and suppressed civil rights. It's also how Donald Trump views the entire world.
Protest of welfare reform in front of the White House, with the sign, "HEY BILL HOW MANY KIDS DID YOU IMPOVERISH TODAY?"

Welfare and the Politics of Poverty

Bill Clinton’s 1996 welfare reform was supposed to move needy families off government handouts and onto a path out of poverty. How has it turned out?

The Disastrous, Forgotten 1996 Law That Created Today's Immigration Problem

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Ross Perot speaking in front of a banner opposing NAFTA.

End of the End of History, Redux

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Bill Clinton giving a speech.

How a Democrat Killed Welfare

Bill Clinton gutted welfare and criminalized the poor, all while funneling more money into the carceral state.
Bill Clinton in front of a poster that reads "New Democrats".

Atari Democrats

As organized labor lost strength, the Democratic Party turned to professional-class voters to shore up its base.

Week of Wonders

Twenty-five years ago, protesters shut down the meeting of the World Trade Organization. At the time, it seemed very important. But is it now?
Collage of American events in the 1990s.

The Nutty Nineties

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Donald Trump speaking into microphone and pointing his finger.

‘I’d Rather Have 10 Ken Starrs Than One Donald Trump’

A new book explores the history of presidents who abused their constitutional power and the citizen movements that stopped them.
Chief Justice John Roberts at the State of the Union on March 7.

The Supreme Court Turns the President Into a King

The conservative justices have ignored history altogether and created a shocking new precedent: The president is above the law.