
Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Lyndon Johnson Knew That Part of Wielding Power Is Knowing When to Let It Go

As Democrats debate whether Joe Biden should stay in the race against Trump, LBJ’s often misunderstood example looms.
Photo of Joe Biden in front of photos of Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman.

Other Presidents Have Retired in March of Their Reelection Year

But it didn’t work out for their parties.
Lyndon B. Johnson speaking with a U.S. soldier in Vietnam in 1966.

The Cost of Overcorrecting on Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

For years, LBJ was reviled for Vietnam. Then the historical tables turned in his direction. But they turned a little too far.
Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson at his desk in November 1957.

When Lyndon B. Johnson Chose the Middle Ground on Civil Rights—and Disappointed Everyone

Always a dealmaker, then-senator LBJ negotiated with segregationists to pass a bill that cautiously advanced racial equality.
Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara in a Cabinet meeting.

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How and why did Johnson consider American military involvement in Vietnam a worthwhile cause that would benefit American interests and American lives?

The Secrets of Lyndon Johnson's Archives

On a presidential paper trail.
LBJ at his desk writing.

Foreign Powers Interfered in the 1968 Election. Why Didn’t LBJ Stop Them?

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LBJ’s 1968 State of the Union Was a Disaster. Can President Trump Avoid His Fate?

For unpopular presidents, the State of the Union is a minefield.
LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What Everyone Gets Wrong About LBJ’s Great Society

It wasn't some radical left-wing pipedream. It was moderate; and it worked.

The Vietnam War Transcript Trump Needs to Read

The PBS documentary on America’s most futile conflict is missing one explosive document. Every president should absorb its chilling lessons.

Was 1960's Liberalism the Cause of Today's Overincarceration Crisis?

Today, nearly 2.2 million Americans are behind bars. Can contemporary mass incarceration's roots be traced to LBJ's Great Society?
Lyndon B. Johnson signing the 1965 Immigration Act.

The Contradictory Legacy of the 1965 Immigration Act

A law designed to repair flaws in the fabric of American justice also created new ones.

How Medicare Was Made

The passage of Medicare and Medicaid, nearly fifty years ago, was no less contentious than recent debates about Obamacare.
Folk singer Tom Glazer performs in July 1965 for nearly 400 children enrolled in Head Start centers at Saratoga Square Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. (AP)

Evaluating the Success of the Great Society

Lyndon B. Johnson's visionary set of legislation turns 50 years old.
LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How LBJ Saved the Civil Rights Act

Fifty years later, new accounts of its fraught passage reveal the era's real hero—and it isn’t the Supreme Court.
Johnson behind President Kennedy as they left the Hotel Texas, in Fort Worth, the day that Kennedy was assassinated.

The Day L.B.J. Took Charge

Lyndon Johnson and the events in Dallas.
Jimmy Carter and General Omar Torrijos shake hands after signing the Panama Canal Treaty in 1977

The Panama Canal Treaty Declassified

Kissinger warned: “This is no issue to face the world on. It looks like pure colonialism.”
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Fannie Lou Hamer speaks at the Democratic National Convention in 1964.

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Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

Hate Burst Out: Chicago, 1968

It is hard not to figure the 1968 election as inaugurating the cultural and political polarisation of the American electorate so evident today.