
Joseph Smith

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View from Nauvoo from across the Mississippi River

Community Ideal

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The angel Moroni delivering the plates of the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith.

Sacred Places

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Photo of Joseph Smith

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Walmart Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith As Lieutenant General Of The Nauvoo Legion

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Lusting for Zion

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A political cartoon depicting Brighma Young walking in front of a group of his wives, the majority of whom are depicted as non-white.

The Sovereignty of the Latter-day Saints

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A glimmering white Mormon church has two towering spires on each side, and is strikingly symmetrical. It is flanked by rows of palm trees.

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The Oquirrh Mountain Temple in Salt Lake City

The Most American Religion

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Book of Mormon

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Robert Frost on his farm near Ripton, Vermont.

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A drawing of the 1833 Leonid meteor shower above a village.

The Massive Meteor Shower That Convinced People the World Was Ending

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Drawing of a man looking up at a DNA strand spiraling upwards from him

Our Obsession with Ancestry Has Some Twisted Roots

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Cover of John Krakauer's book "Under the Banner of Heaven," featuring the Utah landscape.

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