
John Maynard Keynes

Related Excerpts

Black and white photo of John Maynard Keynes and wife Lydia Lopokova

Left, Right and Keynes

Today's centrists are a hot mess.

Cousins Like Us: Black Lives and John Maynard Keynes

Reflections on the famous economist through the prism of the author's own mixed-race family.
Cartoon of people at a crossroad, with one direction pointing to "prosperity" and the other to "depression"

Selling Keynesianism

Today, we can learn a lot from the popularizing efforts that led to that consensus that Keynesianism leads to and long-lasting economic success.
Chart of wholesale prices in the UK, showing inflation peaking in 1920.

Dollar Dominance and Modern Monetary Macro in the 1920s

How the U.S. created a new kind of managed and political monetary system in the wake of World War I.
Hand throwing crumpled dollar bills into pile

Extravagances of Neoliberalism

On how the fringe ideas of a set of American neoliberals became a new and pervasive way of life.
Milton Friedman.

Milton Friedman, the Prizefighter

The economist’s lifelong pugilism wasn’t in spite of his success—it may have been the key to it.
Photograph of protesters and text from a 1944 edition of "Are You An American?"

The Failure of a Public Philosophy

How Americans lost faith in the possibility of self-government.
The first informal meeting of the League of Nations in Geneva, 1920.

Do Sanctions Work?

A new history examines their use in the past and considers their effectiveness for the future.
Illustration of a man hunched over a computer at work and another leaning back relaxing; the two drawings are positioned so that it looks like the relaxing man is leaning on the working man.

Why Isn’t Everybody Rich Yet?

The twentieth century promised prosperity and leisure for all. What went wrong?
FDR signing a bill into law.

On Economics And Democracy

High unemployment is extremely dangerous.
Reprint from the September 1966 issue of AFL-CIO American Federationist, Box 38, Folder 4, William Page Keeton Papers, Special Collections, Tarlton Law Library, The University of Texas at Austin.

Controlled Prices

Before the rise of macroeconomics that accompanied World War II, price determination was a central problem of economic thought.
Collage-style design of Milton Friedman and his work

The End of Friedmanomics

The famed economist’s theories were embraced by Beltway power brokers in both parties. Finally, a Democratic president is turning the page on a legacy of ruin.
Several stores in a 20th century shopping mall

Paul Samuelson Brought Mathematical Economics to the Masses

Paul Samuelson’s mathematical brilliance changed economics, but it was his popular touch that made him a household name.
Former Lehman Brothers Chief Executive Richard Fuld.

The Financial World and the Magical Elixir of Confidence

The financial world is a theatrical production, abundantly lubricated by that magical elixir of illusionists: confidence.
Illustration of a man typing on his laptop on a rollercoaster ride.

Work Sucks. What Could Salvage It?

New books examine the place of work in our lives—and how people throughout history have tried to change it.
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 presidential inauguration.

The First New Deal

Planning, market coordination, and the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933.
Collage depicting shipping containers, a scale weighing American dollars, and a screen of numbers and percentages

Free Trade's Origin Myth

American elites accepted the economic theory of "comparative advantage" mainly because it justified their geopolitical agenda.
Artwork featuring a backhoe at a residence, a burning hundred dollar bill, and a padlocked storefront.

The Kingdom of Private Equity

The 2007–2008 crisis was an epic clusterfuck. The rise of private equity has only made things worse.
American flag sign that reads "NWRO," "I support a guaranteed adequate income for all Americans"

Escape from the Market

Far from spelling the end of anti-market politics, basic income proposals are one place where it can and has flourished.
Stone hands holding up a bronze globe.

The Meddlers: Sovereignty, Empire and the Birth of Global Economic Governance

A new history explores the emergence of international economic institutions that continue to wield immense influence over the domestic politics of many states.