
Donald Trump

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The Notion of Tax Reform in Historical Perspective

President Trump's tax plan may be "great", but it will likely not be truly transformative.

A Party in Secret Passes an Overwhelmingly Unpopular Law. We’ve Been Here Before.

It ended in disaster.

Coal No Longer Fuels America. But the Legacy — and the Myth — Remain.

Coal country still clings to the industry that was long its chief source of revenue and a way of life.
Clarence Darrow, left, with William Jennings Bryan, right, at the Scopes Trial.

Now More Than Ever, We Need Less History

The “now more than ever” tendency is everywhere.
Syringe and pills.

How Sensationalism Compounds the Opioid Crisis

Instead of playing on emotions, we need to destigmatize addiction.

An Independence Day Alternative

How "enlightened" leaders of the early US ignored an Independence Day speech and set in motion indigenous peoples' brutalization.
Donald Trump and Theresa May

Protectionism 100 Years ago Helped Ignite a World War. Could it Happen Again?

Abandoning free trade doesn't just hurt the economy. It threatens peace and stability across the globe.

Grass Roots Activists Won the War on Smoking. Can They Win the War on Climate Change?

They can if they study the tobacco playbook.

Liberals, Don’t Abandon the Federal Government

Doing so might kill the next big liberal idea.

The Executive Abroad

An interactive depiction of more than a century's worth of foreign travel by U.S. presidents and secretaries of state.
A crowd celebrates the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state house.

Bree Newsome Reflects On Taking Down South Carolina's Confederate Flag Two Years Ago

"Removing the flag in South Carolina was one thing, but racism exists in South Carolina as policy and social practice."
Historian Timothy Naftali being interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on television.

Why (Some) Historians Should Be Pundits

The question isn’t whether they have anything of value to offer. It’s whether they can avoid partisan vituperation along the way.

How Nixon Would Have Tweeted Watergate

What President Richard Nixon’s Twitter account might have looked like during Watergate, had social media existed in the 1970s.

Donald Trump and the 'Paranoid Style' in American (Intellectual) Politics

Revisiting Holfstadter's "paranoid style" in the era of Trump.

The Troubled History of Horse Meat in America

The White House wants to reinstate the sale of horses for slaughter, but eating horse meat has always been politically treacherous.

The Two Women’s Movements

Feminism has been on the march since the 1970s, but so has the conservative backlash.

His Kampf

Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate.

Bryan Stevenson Explains How It Feels To Grow Up Black Amid Confederate Monuments

"I think we have to increase our shame — and I don't think shame is a bad thing."

When Congress Almost Ousted a Failing President

It’s Andrew Johnson, not Andrew Jackson, who provides the best model for Trump’s collapsing presidency.
Drawing of lightning breaking the chains of a woman on trial for witchcraft in Salem.

The Actual 'Single Greatest Witch Hunt of a Politician' in American History

It happened long before a special prosecutor was appointed to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.