
Donald Trump

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Girls in Appalachia in 1935.

The Invention of the 'White Working Class'

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Democracy Is Norm Erosion

Sometimes you have to break the rules to create a more democratic system.

Paul Manafort, American Hustler

Before Trump, one lobbyist’s pursuit of foreign cash and shady deals laid the groundwork for Washington’s corruption.
An American flag at the Vietnam Memorial on the National Mall.

Exceptional Victims

The resistance to the Vietnam War was the most diverse and dynamic antiwar movement in U.S. history. We have all but forgotten it today.

Is It Time for a 21st-Century Version of ‘The Day After’?

It’s beginning to feel like the 1980s all over again.

What Cheer, Though?

Joyce Chaplin on the malevolence of American goodwill.

The Amplified Age

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William Randolph Hearst for President

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Female Trouble

Clinton's memoir addresses the gendered discourse and larger feminist contexts of the 2016 presidential campaign.

In 1968, When Nixon Said "Sock It To Me" on 'Laugh-In,' TV Was Never Quite the Same Again

The show's rollicking one-liners and bawdy routines paved the way for cutting-edge television satire.

Paying for Climate Change

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Fans of Trump’s Immigration Views Should Remember How Figures Like Him Targeted Their Ancestors

Keeping the Irish poor out of America helped shape our restrictive immigration policies.

Trump’s View of America as a White Nation Is as American as Apple Pie

But it’s seriously dated. And there's another tradition he could draw on.
Political cartoon of the Populist Party python eating the Democratic Party donkey.

Historians Have Long Thought Populism Was a Good Thing. Are They Wrong?

Today’s populist resurgence has us rethinking the role these movements play in U.S. politics.

Trump’s Views on Immigration Aren’t as Bad as Those in The 1920s. They’re Worse.

The designers of the quota system at least tried to hide their racism.
Historian Timothy Naftali being interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on television.

How Republicans Set the Stage for Trump’s Corrosive Ideas on Immigration

Trump's language might be uniquely vulgar but his ideas are part of a long trend.

Without Haiti, the United States Would, in Fact, Be a Shithole

And some other things about the country that Donald Trump doesn’t know and doesn’t care to know.

How the Korean War Put Presidents in Charge of Nuclear Weapons

The president's unilateral nuclear authority comes from decisions made at the start of the Atomic Age.

Arthur Mervin, Bankrupt

An 18th-century novel explores how American society handles capitalism's collateral damage — and who deserves a second chance.
Whites at a Trump campaign rally.

Does the White Working Class Really Vote Against Its Own Interests?

Trump has revived an age-old debate about why some people choose race over class—and how far they will go to protect the system.