
Donald Trump

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Black and white photo of three African-American men with signs that state, "I am a man," as a military tank rolls through the street

Insurrection in the Eye of the Beholder

The Insurrection Act of 1807, which Trump has threatened to invoke, is the linchpin of several iconic events in African American history.

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The Police Chief Who Inspired Trump’s Tweet Glorifying Violence

Trump echoed a former Miami police chief’s anti-black words and animus.
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A proper understanding of urban rebellion depends on our ability to interpret it not as a wave of criminality, but as political violence.

The Trouble with Comparisons

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Keeping meat production moving during the pandemic is dangerous. But history shows that there’s little Americans won’t sacrifice for a cheap steak.

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Postman in a mail truck.

The Founders Never Intended the U.S. Postal Service to be Managed Like a Business

The mail delivery agency is supposed to serve the public good — not worry about profit.

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As 19th century reformers showed, only a healthy workforce can fuel economic prosperity.

Another Time a President Used the “Emergency” Excuse to Restrict Immigration

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Trump at a press conference.

Covid-19 Needs Federal Leadership, Not Authoritarianism from Trump

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The Tangled History of Illness and Idiocy

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Remnants of the New Deal Order

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The Other Pandemic

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