
Donald Trump

Related Excerpts

Donald Trump.

Trump’s 2020 Playbook Is Coming Straight from Southern Enslavers

Racism — not reformers demanding redress — is the source of American strife.

For the First Time, America May Have an Anti-Racist Majority

Not since Reconstruction has there been such an opportunity for the advancement of racial justice.
“The Unrestricted Dumping-Ground” by Louis Dalrymple, published in Judge, Vol. 44-45 (1903).

A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States

On the passage and enforcement of laws to exclude or deport immigrants for their beliefs, and the people who challenged those laws.
Three African American protest leaders address a crowd.

True Stories About the Great Fire

A movement’s early days as told by those who rose up, those who bore witness, those who grieved, and those who hoped.

A Disputed Election, a Constitutional Crisis, Polarisation… Welcome to 1876

Eric Foner sees parallels with our own time but warns that yesterday’s solution would be a disaster.

The Racist Roots of the Dog Whistle

Here’s how we came to label the coded language.

Reaganland Is the Riveting Conclusion to a Story That Still Isn’t Over

Rick Perlstein’s epic series shows political history and cultural history cannot be disentangled.

Stop Worrying About Protecting ‘Taxpayers.’ That Isn’t the Government’s Job.

Republicans are replacing the public good with a far narrower definition of it.
Tiled pattern of 2020 presidential campaign signs.

How Candidate Diversity Impacts Color Diversity

We looked at 271 presidential candidate logos from 1968–2020 to find out how race and gender intersect with color choices.

George Washington Invoked Executive Privilege. But He’d Reject Barr’s Version.

Washington supported a much more limited conception of executive privilege.

Joseph McCarthy and the Force of Political Falsehoods

McCarthy never sent a single “subversive” to jail, but, decades later, the spirit of his conspiracy-mongering endures.

A Brief History of Dangerous Others

Wielding the outside agitator trope has always, at bottom, been a way of putting dissidents in their place.

Charismatic Models

There is, and always has been, a vanishingly thin line between charismatic democratic rulers and charismatic authoritarians.

Protest Delivered the Nineteenth Amendment

The amendment didn't “give” women the right to vote. It wasn’t a gift; it was a hard-won victory achieved after more than seventy years of suffragist agitation.
Demonstrators with signs reading "Every Person Counts."

Trump’s Push to Skew the Census Builds on a Long History of Politicizing the Count

Who counts determines whose interests are represented in government.
Workers removing a Confederate statue

Take it From a Historian. We Don't Owe Anything to Confederate Monuments.

Trump spends so much time defending statues not because he cares about history, but precisely because he doesn’t

Whose Century?

One has to wonder whether the advocates of a new Cold War have taken the measure of the challenge posed by 21st-century China.
A colorized photo of migrant children in 1942.

How to Interpret Historical Analogies

They’re good for kickstarting political debate but analogies with the past are often ahistorical and should be treated with care.
A photo of law enforcement emerging from a hazy cloud on a city street.

Trump Has Brought America’s Dirty Wars Home

The authoritarian tactics we’ve exported around the world in the name of national security are now being deployed in Portland.

The Essential and Enduring Strength of John Lewis

What the late civil-rights leader and congressman taught the nation.