
Donald Trump

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History As End

1619, 1776, and the politics of the past.
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Originalism, Divided

The theory has not provided the clarity some of its early proponents had hoped it would.
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Why Conservatives Want to Cancel the 1619 Project

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Eugene V. Debs, in prison clothes, flanked by Socialist party leaders.

Free Speech Wasn't So Free 103 Years Ago

When 'seditious' and 'unpatriotic' speech was criminalized in the U.S.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).

House Republicans’ Leadership Fight Signals a New Direction

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Liberal Nationalism is Back. It Must Start to Think Globally.

Globalism is out. Nationalism is in. Progressives who think they can jump aboard are dangerously naive.
Medical men wearing masks at a US Army hospital

Why Do We Forget Pandemics?

Until the Covid-19 pandemic, the catastrophe of the Spanish flu had been dropped from American memory.
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For more than three centuries, something has been going horribly wrong at the top of our society, and we’re all suffering for it.
Carrie Buck and her mother, Emma, at the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, 1924

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Trump’s Border Wall Belongs to Biden Now

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President Franklin Roosevelt

A Stronger Welfare State Is the Key to Saving Democracy From Extremism

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Silhouette with pieces of constitutions and other prints inside

When Constitutions Took Over the World

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The History of Freedom Is a History of Whiteness

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Clipping of a newspaper article titled "Helen Keller and Socialism"

Problematic Icons

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St Patrick's Day: Why So Many US Presidents Like to Say ‘I’m Irish’

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