
Donald Trump

Related Excerpts

Trump speaks to auto workers.

Forget Trump – Populism is the Cure, Not the Disease

Populism is typically presented as a new threat to liberal democracy. But properly understood, it is neither modern nor rightwing.
Donald Trump shaking hands with Mike Huckabee.

Church of The Donald

Never mind Fox. Trump’s most reliable media mouthpiece is now Christian TV.
Trump and Kanye.

Republicans Think Celebrities Can Win Them the Black Vote. They’re Wrong.

Kanye West won't win Trump black support. But it will cost West his.

End of the American Dream? The Dark History of 'America First'

When he promised to put America first in his inaugural speech, Donald Trump drew on a slogan with a long and sinister history.

Trump Lied to Me About His Wealth to Get Onto the Forbes 400

Posing as ‘John Barron,’ he claimed he owned most of his father’s real estate empire.
Shafer Commission

Nixon Made a Mistake on Pot. Will Trump Do the Same with Opioids?

Decades after Nixon waged war on pot, Trump is doing the some with opioids. It could make things worse.

What Trump Could Learn from America's Long History of Sex Scandals

Too bad Trump isn't a student of history.

Taft and Trump

Much more than time separates the 27th president from the 45th.

The Last Temptation

How evangelicals became an anxious minority seeking political protection from a not traditionally religious president.

Today’s Eerie Echoes of the Civil War

We may not be in the midst of a war today, but the progress of democracy in this country is still tied to the rights of its most vulnerable citizens.

‘The Snake’: How Trump Appropriated a Radical Black Singer’s Lyrics

A former communist from Chicago wrote the song in the 1960s, decades before Trump turned it into an anti-immigrant fable.

Immigrants Welcome*

Trump’s Muslim ban was not just an abberation: US citizenship has long been predicated on whiteness as it was understood in 1790.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents enter an apartment complex in Dallas.

Republicans Want to Use Immigration Policy to Make America Whiter. They’re Destined to Fail.

Policies meant to whiten America almost always backfire.

How Do We Explain This National Tragedy? This Trump?

On 400 Years of Tribalism, Genocide, Expulsion, and Imprisonment.

Donald Trump Wants to Fight the FBI? It’s a Suicide Mission.

Presidents who take on the Bureau rarely win.

The GOP's Evolution On Immigration

Republicans used to take a softer line on immigration. What happened?

Are White Evangelicals Sacrificing The Future In Search Of The Past?

The religious profile of young adults today differs dramatically from that of older Americans.

Conservatives and Counterrevolutionaries

Lily Geismer reviews the second edition of Corey Robin’s “The Reactionary Mind.”

Five Decades of White Backlash

President Trump is the embodiment of over 50 years of resistance to the policies Martin Luther King Jr. fought to enact.

Racism Has Always Driven U.S. Policy Toward Haiti

On Haiti, Donald Trump sounds a lot like Thomas Jefferson.