
David J. Garrow

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When the FBI Targeted the Poor People’s Campaign

Recently unearthed surveillance documents show how the FBI tried to destroy the Poor People’s Movement.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King.

Information the FBI Once Hoped Could Destroy Martin Luther King Jr. Has Been Declassified

Revealing these materials could be considered “Hoover’s revenge.”
Jonathan Big next to cover of "King: A Life."

Restoring the Real, Radical Martin Luther King Jr. in “King: A Life”

A new biography of King emerges at a "critical juncture" for his legacy.
J. Edgar Hoover.

A Biography That May Change Your Mind About J. Edgar Hoover

Behind his tough image, the longtime FBI director was a man of profound contradictions.
Civil rights era photo of young people protesting for voting rights in between black and white photos of black people lined up to vote

American Democracy Is Only 55 Years Old—And Hanging by a Thread

Black civil-rights activists—and especially Black women—delivered on the promise of the Founding. Their victories are in peril.

The Civil Rights Activist So Close to Martin Luther King Jr. She Was Thought of as His ‘Other Wife'

According to the recent discoveries, civil rights activist, Dorothy Cotton, and King had a close romantic relationship.

Maligned in Black and White

Southern newspapers played a major role in racial violence. Do they owe their communities an apology?
The mugshot of James Earl Ray next to a picture of Martin Luther King Jr.

Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His Family Believes James Earl Ray Was Framed.

Coretta Scott King described “a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The King children remain certain of that, too.

Seeing Martin Luther King as a Human Being

King should be appreciated in his full complexity.
Caricature of Martin Luther King's head

The House of the Prophet

Martin Luther King Jr. was the galvanizing voice of the civil rights struggle, an uncompromising, complicated figure who soared in the pulpit.