
Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders

The Transformation of Bernie Sanders

How the Vermont senator went from a third-party independent to a 2020 frontrunner.

‘Anyone Ever Seen Cocaine?’ What We Found in the Archives of Bernie Sanders’s TV Show.

What a forgotten trove of videotapes reveals about the man who rewrote America’s political script.

Bernie Sanders Is Right That Reparations Would Be Divisive

But the Vermont senator’s political revolution depends on white America, too.
Eugene Debs in a suit

Eugene Debs Believed in Socialism Because He Believed in Democracy

Eugene Debs’s unswerving commitment to democracy and internationalism was born out of his revulsion at the tyranny of industrial capitalism.

Bernie Sanders’s Campaign is Over, but His Populist Ideas Will Survive

Suspending his presidential campaign might be the best way to advance Sanders’s movement, but it could leave some supporters bitter.

Militarize, Destabilize, Deport, Repeat

Plan Colombia functioned like an ideological laboratory for forever war in the twenty-first century.

Critics of Bernie Sanders’s Trip to the Soviet Union Are Distorting It

Sanders was expressing broadly bipartisan enthusiasm for Soviet reform, not a love of authoritarianism.

How the Senate Paved the Way for Coronavirus Profiteering, and How Congress Could Undo It

Bernie Sanders pushed a measure through the House to require drugs funded by public research funds to be sold at a reasonable cost. The Senate shot it down.
George McGovern surrounded by anti-Vietnam War protesters.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

The similarities between 2020 and 1972 are too astonishing to ignore. But there’s one big difference.

There’s One Heresy That Sets Bernie Apart From All Other Dem Contenders to Unseat Trump

And it’s not simply that he calls himself a socialist.

Bernie, the Sandinistas, and America's Long Crisis of Impunity

Or, the pros and Contras of relying on political reporters.

The Political Odyssey of Sean Wilentz

How one of America's original Bernie Bros became an outspoken critic of the left.

Fighting Words

No, “liberal” and “progressive” aren’t synonyms. They have completely different histories—and the differences matter.
Donald Trump

If Trump and Sanders Are Both Populists, What Does Populism Mean?

Headlines tell us that the campaigns of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have both opened a new chapter of populist politics. How is that possible?
Ross Perot speaking in front of a banner opposing NAFTA.

End of the End of History, Redux

Remember Perot?

Bernie Sanders Bids for Jewish History

The Vermont senator isn’t religious, but a victory in Iowa or New Hampshire would be the first ever for a Jewish presidential candidate.
Demonstrators in the June 1968 Poor People's March in Washington, DC.

Why Liberals Separate Race from Class

The tendency to divorce racial disparities from economic inequality has a long liberal lineage.
Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump.

The Beaver and the Eagle: A 200-Year-Old Argument

The left case for an independent Canada.
Ken Martin and Ben Wikler at a DNC forum.

Ken Martin, Ben Wikler, and the DNC Chair Race’s Midwestern Moment

The region has unique political traditions tailor-made for the momentum gathering behind economic populism in the Democratic Party.
Nancy Pelosi standing next to a sign that says "Protecting America's Health Care."

UnitedHealthcare’s Decades-Long Fight to Block Reform

UnitedHealthcare, the health insurer whose CEO was murdered, has spent decades fighting and winning political battles to maintain the for-profit health system.