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President George W. Bush delivering the first State of the Union speech after the 9/11 attacks.

The Legacy of the ‘Axis of Evil’

One speech permanently influenced American diplomacy—and not for the better.

Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula: Reviewing the Precedents

Nuclear disarmament talks with the North Koreans go back at least a quarter-century. How did we get to Singapore?
Helicopters landing American troops in Grenada in 1983.

The Reagan-Era Invasion that Drove North Korea to Develop Nuclear Weapons

How we got to warnings about fire and fury: the 1983 invasion of the small Caribbean nation of Grenada thousands of miles from North Korea.

The U.S. Contemplated a Nuclear Confrontation in North Korea in 1953.

The Trump Administration can - and should - learn from that moment.
Photograph of woman interrogated by soldier at Korean prisoner-of-war camp

A Permanent Battle

A new history draws on recently declassified archives to illustrate how the Korean War was an intimate civil conflict, not just a proxy battle between superpowers.
Korean mothers and children cover their ears as they watch a battle.

The Forgotten War

What has fueled the hostility between the U.S. and North Korea for decades?
China and Korea shaking hands, and a dove and a missile.

Important Moments in U.S.-Korean Relations

From the first exchange of gunfire in 1865 to the 1953 ceasefire, and beyond.

Iran, North Korea, Russia: How the Nuclear Threat Re-emerged

Countries are expanding their nuclear arsenals. So why is the public so complacent about the risk of nuclear catastrophe?

Is It Time for a 21st-Century Version of ‘The Day After’?

It’s beginning to feel like the 1980s all over again.

How the Korean War Put Presidents in Charge of Nuclear Weapons

The president's unilateral nuclear authority comes from decisions made at the start of the Atomic Age.

How One Man Helped Burn Down North Korea

The story of one of the most effective and brutal spymasters in U.S. history, and the beginning of an infamous love affair with napalm.

What the Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us About the North Korean Missile Crisis

To avoid catastrophe, Kennedy turned to diplomacy. Trump would be wise to do the same.

Comparing Truman's Hiroshima Statement to Trump's North Korea Ultimatum

What to know before equating "fire and fury" to the "rain of ruin."

What Trump Needs to Know About North Korea's History

The peninsula has a long record of risky games with great powers.

How America Shed the Taboo Against Preventive War

If Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan were transported to 2017, they would be shocked that the United States is considering an attack on North Korea.
The White House surrounded by outlines of Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, China, Syria, and Afghanistan.

How Four U.S. Presidents Unleashed Economic Warfare Across the Globe

U.S. sanctions have surged over the last two decades and are now in effect on almost one-third of all nations. But are they doing more harm than we realize?

Reviewing the Oppenheimer Reviews

Christopher Nolan's blockbuster has generated a torrent of historical commentary about the birth of nuclear weapons. Is there something missing from the conversation?
The United States flag flying above that of Guam.

Trapped by Empire

The government of Guam has appointed a Commission on Decolonization, but U.S. control means that all of the island’s options have substantial downsides.

The Christian History of Korean-American Adoption

How World Vision and Compassion International sparked an Oregon family to raise eight mixed-race children.
Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg Is Still Thinking About the Papers He Didn’t Get to Leak

The man who leaked the Pentagon Papers is back with a new book, The Doomsday Machine.
James K. Johnson and Dwight D. Eisenhower on an inspection tour of an air base.

Trump Threatened to Nuke North Korea. Did Ike Do the same?

The myth of Ike’s nuclear recklessness could lead us into war.

What if the President Ordering a Nuclear Attack isn’t Sane?

There are fewer checks in the system than you might think.

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