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Viewing 121–133 of 133 results. Go to first page
Black girls exiting a school building accompanied by U.S. Marshalls.

First Day of School—1960, New Orleans

Leona Tate thought it must be Mardi Gras. Gail thought they were going to kill her.

The University of Texas’s Secret Strategy to Keep Out Black Students

Long-hidden documents show the school’s blueprint for slowing integration during the civil-rights era.

One Family’s Story of the Great Migration North

Bridgett M. Davis tracks her mother's journey from Nashville to Detroit.

How Republicans Became Anti-Choice

The Republican Party used control of women’s bodies as political capital to shift the balance of power their way.

Fresno’s Mason-Dixon Line

More than 50 years after redlining was outlawed, the legacy of discrimination can still be seen in California’s poorest large city.

When Government Drew the Color Line

A review of "The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America."
LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What Everyone Gets Wrong About LBJ’s Great Society

It wasn't some radical left-wing pipedream. It was moderate; and it worked.
Protestor outside the Supreme Court, with a Bible and a sign denouncing bigotry.

Discriminating in the Name of Religion? Segregationists and Slaveholders Did It, Too.

If religious freedom trumps equality under the law, it provides a “cover” that actually encourages discrimination.

America’s Real Estate Developer in Chief

Donald Trump's rise to power was fueled by the profits of predatory real estate ventures.
Reagan signing the bill establishing Martin Luther King Day.

The Sanitizing of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks

On the uses and abuses of civil rights heroes.

What Richmond Has Gotten Right About Interpreting its Confederate History

Why hasn't Richmond faced the same controversies as New Orleans or Charlottesville?

Patterns Of Death In The South Still Show The Outlines Of Slavery

Blacks continue to die younger than people in other groups in the Black Belt.

Black Panther Women: The Unsung Activists Who Fed and Fought for Their Community

Judy Juanita on her novel 'Virgin Soul,' which incorporates her experiences as a Black Panther living in San Francisco.

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