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Motorcycle vest embroidered with the words "Sagebrush Rebel."

Legacies of the Sagebrush Rebellion

A conversation about the roots of organized resistance to federal regulation of public lands in the American West.
A vista in Utah.

Walking Into New Worlds

Native traditions and novel discoveries tell the migration story of the ancestors of the Navajo and Apache.
The cover of the textbook, "Heroes of Our America."

"Heroes of Our America": Reading a "Patriotic" History of the United States

This 1952 textbook serves as an example of the "patriotic history" that Donald Trump grew up with and calls for today.

Political Debates: What Unforgettable Moments Reveal

High-stakes debates put candidates in the hot seat. But are they helpful to voters?
Donald Trump in front of Mount Rushmore

Trump’s Vision for American History Education Is a Nightmare

But it’s one historians know all too well.
Wabanaki people paddling canoes near bridge

The Myth of Native American Extinction Harms Everyone

Cluelessness about Native people is rampant in New England, which romanticizes its Colonial heritage.
The cover of Exodus by Leon Uris.

How Americans Were Taught to Understand Israel

Leon Uris's bestselling book "Exodus" portrayed the founding of the state of Israel in terms many Americans could relate to.
Drawing of building on fire, with crowd outside

Many Tulsa Massacres

How the myth of a liberal North erases a long history of white violence.

How the GOP Became the Party of Resentment

Have historians of the conservative movement focused too much on its intellectuals?
Billboard for "Gateway to the Canyons" featuring a painting of Plains Indians meeting Spanish Catholic monks.

The Black Legend Lives

A review of "Escalante’s Dream: On the Trail of the Spanish Discovery of the Southwest."
Barry Goldwater speaking at a 1964 rally, placing his finger over his lips.

The Western Origins of the “Southern Strategy”

The untold story of the ideological realignment that upended the nation.
Youth members of a German-American Bund camp raising a flag, 1934.

American Fascism: It Has Happened Here

Americans of the interwar period were perfectly clear about one fact we have lost sight of today: all fascism is indigenous, by definition.
An illustration of a pilgrim looking toward the sky with a group of others gathered around kneeling.

What Liberty Meant to the Pilgrims

Most adult men could aspire to participation in the religious and political government of the colony. But this communal liberty did not imply personal liberty.

Rewriting Country Music's Racist History

Artists like Yola and Rhiannon Giddens are blowing up what Giddens calls a “manufactured image of country music being white and being poor.”
Historical marker in Artillery Park.

Cast in Iron?

Rethinking our historical monuments.

The Inner Life of American Communism

Vivian Gornick’s and Jodi Dean’s books mine a lost history of comradeship, determination, and intimacy.
A painting depicting pilgrims arriving in the New World.

Exodus: Vaera

For Freud, “chosenness” was a psychopathological fantasy in need of explanation.

Racism After Redlining

In "Race for Profit," Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor walks us through the ways racist housing policy survived the abolition of redlining.

The Remembered Past

On the beginnings of our stories—and the history of who owns them.
Soldiers inspecting damaged helmets in a scene from John Huston's 1945 film "The Battle of San Pietro."

The War Documentary That Never Was

John Huston's 1945 movie The Battle of San Pietro presents itself as a war documentary, but contains staged scenes. What should we make of it?

Why It’s Time To Retire The Whitewashed Western

The original cowboys were actually Indigenous, Black and Latinx, but that's not what Hollywood has generally led us to believe.

Race, History, and Memories of a Virginia Girlhood

A historian looks back at the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow in her home state.
Painting of people examining a globe that depicts California as an island.

California, an Island?

Meet cartography's most persistent mistake.

Signs of Return

Photography as History in the U.S. South.

How New York’s New Monument Whitewashes the Women’s Rights Movement

It offers a narrow vision of the activists who fought for equality.

Counter-Histories of the Internet

Our ethics and desires can shape digital networks at least as forcefully as those networks influence us.
Lithograph of a white man beating an enslaved man.

How Slavery Made the Modern Scotland

A new documentary lays bare just how central a role Scotland played in the slave trade.

The Troubling History of the Fight to Honor Leif Erikson—Not Columbus—as the Man Who 'Discovered America'

It wasn't simply a matter of getting the history right.

The Secret History of Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas

In her groundbreaking new book, Monica Muñoz Martinez uncovers the legacy of a brutal past.
Book cover for Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

The Long View: Surveillance, the Internet, and Government Research

A new book says “the Internet was developed as a weapon and remains a weapon today.” Does the charge hold up?

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