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Fandom: A Star Wars Story

This is about much more than Star Wars—it is about media bias and "information disorder" in the twenty-first century.
The cover of Cynthia A. Kierner's "Inventing Disaster," which depicts a shipwreck during a storm.

On Inventing Disaster

The culture of calamity from the Jamestown Colony to the Johnstown Flood.

Disinfo Redux

Wherever there has been power, there has been a struggle for narrative control.

How Fear of the Measles Vaccine Took Hold

We’re still dealing with the repercussions of a discredited 1998 study that sowed fear and skepticism about vaccines.
People dancing at Woodstock

When Science Was Groovy

Counterculture-inspired research flourished in the Age of Aquarius.
Political cartoon of people reaching toward a woman symbolizing Milwaukee who herself is reaching toward socialism.

When Socialists Swept Milwaukee

Democratic socialists attending the 2020 Democratic Convention won’t be out of place in a city with a long history of socialist governance.
Cover of John Krakauer's book "Under the Banner of Heaven," featuring the Utah landscape.

Abusing Religion: Polygyny, Mormonisms, and Under the Banner of Heaven

How stories of abuse in minority religious communities have influenced American culture.

A Timeline of Working-Class Sitcoms

Over the years, there have been surprisingly few of them.

Female Trouble

Clinton's memoir addresses the gendered discourse and larger feminist contexts of the 2016 presidential campaign.

What the Press and 'The Post' Missed

Leslie Gelb supervised the team that compiled the Pentagon Papers. He explains what Steven Spielberg's new film gets wrong.

The Strange History of One of the Internet's First Viral Videos

Back when video of Vinny Licciardi smashing a computer zigzagged all over the internet, "viral" wan't even a thing yet.

How Braids Tell America’s Black Hair History

Beyond three strands of hair interlocked around each other, there's a complicated story.

Cold War Propaganda: The Truth Belonged to No One Country

During the Cold War, US propagandists worked to provide a counterweight to Communist media, but truth eluded them all.

#MeToo? In 80 years, No American Woman Has Won Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ by Herself

The history of Time's 'Person of the Year' exemplifies the problem that led to this year's winner.

How to Measure Ghosts: Arthur C. Nielsen and the Invention of Big Data

How audience measurement became central to the creative and commercial development of television.
Collage by pop artist Tom Wesselmann depicting a kitchen table with food

Pop Art in the US

A primary source set and teaching guide created by educators.

The Myth of Deep Throat

Mark Felt wasn’t out to protect American democracy and the rule of law; he was out to get a promotion.
Trump speaking at Liberty University.

Is the Term 'Evangelical' Redeemable?

One historian, who also happens to be an evangelical Christian, says no.

Ken Burns's American Canon

Even in a fractious era, the filmmaker still believes that his documentaries can bring every viewer in.
Trump speaking.

How the U.S. Lost Its Mind

Make America reality-based again.
Demonstrator with sign that reads "Journalism is not a crime"

When the War on the Press Turns Violent, Democracy Itself is at Risk

The bloody history of attacks on American journalists.

Combatting Stereotypes About Appalachian Dialects

Language variation is just as diverse within Appalachia as it is outside of the region.

Violence Against Members of Congress Has a Long, and Ominous, History

In the 1840s and 1850s, it was all too common.

Ronald Reagan, the First Reality TV Star President

Ronald Reagan is at the heart of the modern American politics of advertising, public relations, and a television in every home.

His Kampf

Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate.
Boston Herald assistant publisher W.G. Gavin at the “Rumor Clinic,” 1942.

During WWII, 'Rumor Clinics' Were Set Up to Dispel Morale-Damaging Gossip

A network of "morale wardens" tracked down the latest scuttlebutt.

The Syncopated Geography of Hip-Hop

Music scholar Katya Deve explores the history and geography of hip-hop.
Hindenburg exploding

America’s Love Affair With the Hindenburg

Before the German zeppelin met its fiery demise, it was an object of fascination for U.S. radio listeners.
People on a rollercoaster

Are We Having Too Much Fun?

In 1985, Neil Postman observed an America imprisoned by its own need for amusement. He was, it turns out, extremely prescient.
Men running with their newspapers, one of which says "fake news"

Yellow Journalism: The "Fake News" of the 19th Century

Peddling lies goes back to antiquity, but during the Tabloid Wars of the 19th-century it reached the widespread outcry and fever pitch of scandal familiar today.

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