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Trump with eyes closed and head bowed as evangelist Paula White leads a prayer at the White House.

The Christian Nationalism of Donald Trump

The debate among American Christians over globalism and nationalism is nothing new — rather, it has been going on for decades.

Neoliberalism’s World Order

Neoliberalism set out not to demolish the state, but to create an international order strong enough to override democracy in the service of private property.

The Raging Controversy at the Border Began With This Incident 100 Years Ago

In Nogales, Arizona, the United States and Mexico agreed to build walls separating their countries.
Trump glares at Trudeau at the G7 meeting.

Trump Has Ignored the Worst Chapter of U.S.-Canada Relations

The War of 1812 holds lessons about the costly error of tariffs — not the threat of Canadians.

A Disgruntled Federal Employee's 1980s Desk Calendar

A nameless Cold Warrior grew frustrated in his Defense Department job, and poured out his feelings in an unusual way.

What Thomas Jefferson’s Daughters Can Teach Us About the False Promises of Patriarchy

Women have always come to the aid of men in power, but the costs of such actions have not always been immediately apparent.
Political cartoon of American victory locking German war in jail with a League of Nations lock.

Treaty of Versailles and the End of World War I

A primary source set and teaching guide created by educators.

The 1952 Olympic Games, the US, and the USSR

The Olympics have long enabled global superpowers to enact their political and ideological conflicts in sport.

Paul Manafort, American Hustler

Before Trump, one lobbyist’s pursuit of foreign cash and shady deals laid the groundwork for Washington’s corruption.
Drawing of a prisoner with his head in his hands, viewed from behind a fence

Guantánamo Bay is Still Open. Still. STILL!

41 men are still being held without charges, without a way to leave, without homes to return to.

The Nuke ‘Treaty That Ended the Cold War’ is Unraveling

The Trump administration signals a game of chicken with Russia, which could mean the death of arms control.
Robert Mugabe

How the U.S. Aided Robert Mugabe’s Rise

Cold War politics empowered democracy — and dictatorship.

The Battle Between Baseball and Cricket for American Sporting Supremacy

We could have had a very different World Series.
Che Guevara holding two children.

Che Guevara’s Last Interview

A CIA operative informed headquarters that before he was shot, the Cuban revolutionary "never lost his composure."
Poster depicting Belgium and the U.S. as women greeting each other in friendship.

World War I: America Heads to War

A primary source set and teaching guide created by educators.
A Black man in a hoodie.

The Hoodie and the Hijab

Arabness, Blackness, and the figure of terror.
Collage drawing of elements of US-Cuba relations, including JFK, Castro, missiles, a journalist at a typewriter, and soldiers from both sides carrying guns.

Cuba Libre

Covering the island has been a central concern for The Nation since the beginning—producing scoops, aiding diplomacy, and pushing for a change in policy.
Illustration of George W. Bush on a missile towards U.S.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.
George W. Bush at a press conference on Iraq, March 3, 2003.

The First Casualty

The selling of the Iraq war.

The Debate Over War Powers

Two legal scholars make the case that President Bush must seek congressional authorization before initiating a preemptive military strike on Iraq.
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy speaking

The Paranoid Style in American Politics

It had been around a long time before the Radical Right discovered it.

JFK Inaugural Address

John F. Kennedy's 1961 inaugural address remains one of the most famous presidential speeches.

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