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Gun rights advocates holding Second Amendment rally at which police officer Dick Heller spoke, at the State Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky, January 31, 2020.

The Remaking of the Second Amendment

The Supreme Court’s expanding interpretation of the Second Amendment threatens longstanding democratic authority to enact gun safety measures.
Seized guns on a table in front of a police press conference.

Gun Capitalism — Not ‘Ghost Guns’ or Other Trends — Is to Blame for Gun Violence

There are more than 400 million guns in Americans' hands.
Formal daguerreotype photograph of an African American corporal, holding a Colt model 1849 pocket revolver.

From Negro Militias To Black Armament

Guns have always loomed large in Black people's lives — going all the way back to the days of colonial slavery, explains reporter Alain Stephens from The Trace.

They Were Killers With Submachine Guns. Then the President Went After Their Weapons.

Franklin Roosevelt’s National Firearms Act of 1934 was aimed at John Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, and other murderous gangsters.

Guns in America

Reflections on the Second Amendment's original meaning, and how views about gun rights, gun ownership, and gun violence have evolved in the centuries since.

Bearing Arms vs. Hunting Bears

The persistence of a mythic second amendment in contemporary Constitutional culture.
Pat Buchanan surrounded by balloons at a campaign rally.

Revisiting a Transformational Speech: The Culture War Scorecard

Social conservatives won some and lost some since Pat laid down the marker.
Map of the arms trade.

The Roots of America’s Gun Culture

How 18th-century British arms sales, the slave trade, and the Revolutionary War contributed to the mess we have today.

Gun Studies Syllabus

Imagine a class on gun control activism. Here's what its syllabus might look like.

The Real Reason Congress Banned Assault Weapons in 1994 — And Why It Worked

The ban's critics say it failed to prevent gun violence, but they're misinterpreting the law's intent.

Even in the 1960s, the NRA Dominated Gun Control Debates

Lyndon Johnson wanted sweeping new gun control laws. Instead he got crumbs.

When It Comes To Guns, Congress Has Always Been in the Pocket of Profit Chasers

How profit motives have driven two centuries of American gun laws.

What Gun Control Advocates Can Learn From Abolitionists

Slave ownership was once as entrenched in American life as gun ownership.

How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment

The Founders never intended to create an unregulated individual right to a gun.

Battleground America

One nation, under the gun.

The Secret History of Guns

What gun regulations meant to the founders, and why the Black Panthers are the true pioneers of today's pro-gun movement.

Dead or Alive: Originalism as Popular Constitutionalism in Heller

Was the 2008 Heller decision a victory for originalism or a living Constitution?

To Keep and Bear Arms

A challenge to the "Standard Model" scholars who hold that the Second Amendment protects individual gun rights.
The Branch Davidian compound, Mount Carmel, Waco, Texas.

I Will Give Thee Madonna

Kevin Cook and Jeff Guinn on David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, and the 1993 siege of Waco.
Old City Hall, Wall St., New York City.

Originalism and the Nature of Rights

When we try to recover the “original meaning” of constitutional amendments, we begin with deeply engrained premises about the nature of what we're looking for.
Hand holding a gun painted like the American flag.

The Real Origins of America’s Gun Culture

“Gun Country” chronicles the transformation of guns from tangible weapons to ideological ammunition during the Cold War.
Gun safety advocates rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2019

What the Supreme Court Gets Wrong About the Second Amendment

Government, wrote Alexander Hamilton, should substitute “the mild influence” of the law for “the violent and sanguinary agency of the sword.”
Close-up of the safety trigger on a handgun

“Come and Take It”: How the Aftermath of Sandy Hook Led to More AR-15s Being Sold Than Ever Before

Chris Waltz was appalled. He felt Democrats were using the Sandy Hook tragedy to tell him he wasn’t responsible enough to own an AR-15.

Varmints, Soldiers and Looming Threats: See the Ads Used to Sell the AR-15

Through six decades, gunmakers and advertisers leveraged social and cultural changes to broaden the AR-15′s appeal.
A newly registered voter fills out a sample ballot for sheriff in Lowndes County. The ballot has the logo of the Black Panther Party formed by Stokely Carmichael of SNCC.

How Stokely Carmichael and the Black Panthers Changed the Civil Rights Movement

Much of what's happening in American race relations traces back to 1966, the year the Black Panthers were formed.
Purple ribbon and pin to raise awareness of domestic violence.

Femicide is Up. American History Says That’s Not Surprising.

Reversing the rising tide of femicide requires understanding its deep roots in the United States.
A celebration outside the Supreme Court on June 24, in Washington. (Steve Helber/AP)

The Christian Right’s Version of History Paid Off on Abortion and Guns

How Christian conservatives' version of American history shaped the Supreme Court’s abortion and gun decisions.
An image of the weapon used during the Newtown school shooting is displayed while attorney Josh Koskoff speaks during a news conference.

The Sandy Hook Settlement Could Transform the Centuries-Old Marketing of Guns

Since the mid-19th century, manufacturers have marketed guns to white men, especially young ones.
Charlton Heston (left), then president of the NRA, meets with fellow leaders Wayne LaPierre (far right) and Jim Baker (center) on April 30, 1999, ahead of the NRA's annual meeting in Denver. Around the same time, leaders discussed how to respond to the shooting at Columbine High School in nearby Littleton, Colo. More than 20 years later, NPR has obtained secret recordings of those conversations.

A Secret Tape Made After Columbine Shows the NRA's Evolution on School Shootings

In 1999, NRA leaders agonized over what to do about Columbine, paving the way for the group's approach to mass shootings ever since.

West Virginia’s Attempt to Split Up Virginia Betrays the History of Both States

West Virginians left Virginia to ensure that the people's voices were heard, not to benefit special interests at the expense of democracy.

Americans Don't Really Understand Gun Violence

Why? Because there's very little known about the thousands of victims who survive deadly shootings.

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