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Viewing 331–344 of 344 results. Go to first page

Ross Perot, Populist Harbinger

Views that were fringe in Perot’s day had, by the 2016 election, taken center stage.

How the Chicago School Changed the Meaning of Adam Smith’s ‘Invisible Hand’

Smith wasn’t warning about government intervention in the market; he was warning about government capture.

Wayward Leviathans

How America's corporations lost their public purpose.

Trump's National Security Justification for Tariffs is Not as Strange as it Sounds

Our concept of national security is so broad it can encompass virtually anything.
Printing food stamps.

Why American Policy is Leaving Millions Hungry

Instead of trying to eliminate hunger, we continue to talk about personal responsibility.

Can Consumer Groups Be Radical?

Historian Lawrence Glickman looked at the consumer movements of the 1930s to find out.

Jared Kushner's Business Dealings Evoke the Nepotism and Corruption of the Gilded Age

From fee-based governance to the “friendships” between the rich and public officials, the 19th century practices we once banished are back.

The Jones Act, the Obscure 1920 Shipping Regulation Strangling Puerto Rico

Protectionism and exploitation at its worst.

Trump Is A 19th-Century President Facing 21st-Century Problems

His hands-off approach to policy-making and moral leadership hearkens back to much earlier times.
Cartoon silhouettes of elongated business people in suits

Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood

The mass defection of CEOs of some of the nation’s most powerful corporations from President Trump’s now-defunct Manufacturing Jobs Initiative.

Puerto Rico’s Long Fall from ‘Shining Star’ to The ‘Greece’ of The Caribbean

Puerto Rico's financial situation could make it the "next Greece."
Men standing outside a store with a sign supporting the WPA in the window.

The Voluntarism Fantasy

Conservatives dream of returning to a world where private charity fulfilled all public needs. But that world never existed, and we're better for it.
Photograph of cars bumper to bumper on a highway, USA (year unknown, likely during 1970s energy crisis)

How Congress Planned To Solve The 1970s Energy Crisis

Representative Mo Udall's ambitious strategy to wean the United States off fossil fuels by the year 2000.
Book cover of "Let the Glory Out: My South and its Politics" by Al Gore

The Chaotic Politics of the South

For three quarters of a century the South was the geographic base of Democratic Presidential hopes.

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