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Americans in line to vote

The Supreme Court’s Starring Role in Democracy’s Demise

With democracy hanging in the balance in 2020, the Court is clearly playing a decisive and destructive role. Unfortunately, we’ve been here before.

Built to Last

When overwhelmed unemployment insurance systems malfunctioned, governments blamed the 60-year-old programming language COBOL. But what really failed?
Mother with a laptop, surrounded by noisy children.

Suffrage Movement Convinced Women They Could ‘Have it All’

More than a century later, they’re still paying the price.

Charles Averill’s The Cholera-Fiend: Fiction for a Pandemic

The 1850 novel reveals disturbing continuities between the 19th century cholera pandemics and global health crises today.

COVID-19 in History

Living through a momentus time has prompted many reflections on what the past has to teach us about why the pandemic took the shape that it did – and how we can better respond to it.

Five Myths About the U.S. Postal Service

It’s not obsolete, and it’s not a business.
Men lined up on a set of stairs.

Who Is "Essential"?

On the need to rethink the U.S. immigration and refugee policy, which was shaped as part of Cold War strategy.
Two men sitting on a couch and laughing, with an American flag behind them

The Conceit of American Indispensability

As we mine the 1940s for alternate visions of international order, we must not presume that the US remains the benevolent center of global politics.
People wearing masks; one has a sign that reads "Wear a mask or go to jail."

The Last Pandemic

Using history to guide us in the difficult present.

Beyond the End of History

Historians' prohibition on 'presentism' crumbles under the weight of events.

We Should Still Defund the Police

Cuts to public services that might mitigate poverty and promote social mobility have become a perpetual excuse for more policing.

Black College Athletes Are Rising Up Against the Exploitative System They Labor In

Will coronavirus prompt the house of cards of college athletics to come tumbling down?

The Death and Rebirth of American Internationalism

As the 2020 presidential election nears, internationalists are plotting their return. But they still haven’t learned from the failure of liberal universalism.
A police officer on a horse in a city street

The Problem With Asking Police to Enforce Public Health Measures

Policing public health is likely to result in increased racial disparities.
Daycare classroom

Richard Nixon Bears Responsibility for the Pandemic’s Child-Care Crisis

The policy roots of today’s childcare crisis.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey speaks about school COVID policy.

The Undemocratic History of School "Pandemic Pods"

Why Americans rejected educating only the children of the wealthy.
Two people clinking their bottles of beer together.

Let Us Drink in Public

Open container laws criminalize working-class people and make public life less fun. We need to legalize public drinking.

Stop Worrying About Protecting ‘Taxpayers.’ That Isn’t the Government’s Job.

Republicans are replacing the public good with a far narrower definition of it.

Americans Are Determined to Believe in Black Progress

Whether it’s happening or not.

The 1904 Olympic Marathon May Have Been the Dumbest Race Ever Run

While we're missing three weeks of sporting endeavors due to the Tokyo Olympics, we can revisit one of the most bizarre races in modern Olympic history.
A colorized photo of migrant children in 1942.

How to Interpret Historical Analogies

They’re good for kickstarting political debate but analogies with the past are often ahistorical and should be treated with care.
Fauci speaking at a White House podium with Trump glaring behind him

Trump’s Campaign Against Fauci Ignores the Proven Path for Defeating Pandemics

When medicine and journalism defeated cholera.
Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders

Postal Banking is Making a Comeback. Here’s How to Ensure it Becomes a Reality.

Grass-roots pressure will be key to turning the idea into reality.

The Depression-Era Book That Wanted to Cancel the Rent

“Modern Housing,” by Catherine Bauer, argued—as many activists do today—that a decent home should be seen as a public utility and a basic right.
The USS Constitution glides through Boston Harbor.

Early Americans Knew Better Than President Trump How To Prioritize Health

A public uprising forced Boston to prioritize fighting smallpox over the economy in 1792.

The Influenza Masks of 1918

Images from a century ago of people doing their best to keep others and themselves safe.

Americans Need to Know the Hard Truth About Union Monuments in the West

During the Civil War, Union soldiers in the West weren’t fighting to end slavery, but to annihilate and remove Native Americans.
Photograph of Mike Mahoney on the White House grounds.

Blood and Vanishing Topsoil

“We’re the virus.” So read a tweet in March praising reports of less pollution in countries under COVID-19 lockdown. By mid-April, it had nearly 300,000 likes.

How Black Women Fought Racism and Sexism for the Right to Vote

African American women played a significant and sometimes overlooked role in the struggle to gain the vote.

The Baby-Sitters Club Is Ready to Teach a New Generation About Work

Locked-down parents will need an army of tween child-minders. Let the Baby-Sitters Club show them the way.

The Mainstreaming of Christian Zionism Could Warp Foreign Policy

How the history of dispensationalism shapes U.S. foreign policy today.

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