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Viewing 181–210 of 633 results. Go to first page

Critics of Bernie Sanders’s Trip to the Soviet Union Are Distorting It

Sanders was expressing broadly bipartisan enthusiasm for Soviet reform, not a love of authoritarianism.
Screen shot from CNN of presidential debate, with a question about socialism posed to Bernie Sanders.

How Socialism Became Un-American Through the Ad Council’s Propaganda Campaigns

Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist, a potential problem for the presidential candidate. A Cold War campaign to link American-ness and capitalism helped create popular distrust of socialism.

Mask Off: The 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team Has Long Been a Symbol of Reaction

Like it or not, the “Miracle on Ice” team has long allowed itself to be used by the worst actors in our politics.

The Intelligence Coup of the Century

For decades, the CIA read the encrypted communications of allies and adversaries.

How Carter's '80 SOTU Unleashed America's 'World Police'

Forty years ago he announced a new American doctrine of aggressive Middle East interventionism that never went away.

Ike's Military-Industrial Complex, Six Decades Later

As Eisenhower predicted, there is no balance left, as U.S. policy is reduced to who we threaten, bomb, or occupy next.

The ‘Revolution of ’89’ Did Not Initiate a New Era of History

Though significant, the end of the Cold War was not nearly as significant a turning point as President George H.W. Bush suggested it would be in 1990.

They Wanted to Remake the World; Instead We Got President Trump

Andrew Bacevich makes the case that America’s elites wasted the promise of the post-Cold War era.

“The Police Know Guerrilla Warfare”

During the Cold War, cops at home and military personnel abroad exchanged techniques and tactics to mete out repression and thwart leftist insurgencies.

The Thick Blue Line

How the United States became the world’s police force.
Four people looking at a latrine

The Paradise of the Latrine

American toilet-building and the continuities of colonial and postcolonial development.

The Lavender Scare

In 1950, the U.S. State Department fired 91 employees because they were homosexual or suspected of being homosexual.

The Right’s “Judeo-Christian” Fixation

How a term that sounds inclusive is used to promote exclusion.
News correspondent inside Berlin Wall tunnel.

The Battle Between NBC and CBS to Be the First to Film a Berlin Wall Tunnel Escape

Declassified government documents show how both sides of the Iron Curtain worked to have the projects canned.

How Silicon Valley Broke the Economy

The question of how to fix the tech industry is now inseparable from the question of how to fix late 20th century capitalism.

The Strange Career of ‘National Security’

When the phrase became a national obsession, it turned everything from trade rules to dating apps into a potential threat.

Three Decades Ago, America Lost Its Religion. Why?

“Not religious” has become a specific American identity—one that distinguishes secular, liberal whites from the conservative, evangelical right.

The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments

Today, it’s a cutting-edge lab. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the center of the U.S. government’s darkest experiments.

From Mind Control to Murder? How a Deadly Fall Revealed the CIA’s Darkest Secrets

Frank Olson died in 1953, but it took decades for his family to get closer to the truth.

The End of the Golden Era of Chess

The recent passing of Pal Benko and Shelby Lyman draws the curtain on an American period that produced some of the game’s most sparkling play.
Cover of "Cold Warriors" book.

Before Oprah’s Book Club, there was the CIA

‘Cold Warriors’ traces how the U.S. and Soviet government used writers like George Orwell and Boris Pasternak to wage ideological battles during the Cold War.
A UFO in front of hills

More UFOs Than Ever Before

What explains the apparently sudden spike in intergalactic traffic after WWII? If Cold War anxieties are to blame, why have sightings persisted?

What Hawaii’s Statehood Says About Inclusion in America

Conditional inclusion for "model minorities" perpetuates enduring forms of racial exclusion.
Mugshot of Bernard L. Barker.

Want to Know Why Some Hispanics Support Donald Trump? Ask Richard Nixon.

Nixon created the blend of Republicanism that remains attractive to a segment of Hispanic voters.

The Most Dangerous American Idea

No belief in the history of the US has been more threatening to democracy than the certainty that only white people are fit for self-government.
Buzz Aldrin on the lunar surface with flag during Apollo 11.

How Stanley Kubrick Staged the Moon Landing

To understand America, you can start with Apollo 11 and all that is counterfactual that’s grown around it.

The Rocket Scientist Who Had to Elude the FBI Before He Could Escape Earth

Frank Malina's Scientific Dreams Were as Radical as His Politics.
Dr. Strange Love, from the Stanley Kubrick film of the same name

Watching the End of the World

The Doomsday Clock is set to two minutes to midnight. So why don't we make movies about nuclear war anymore?
Senators Joseph McCarthy and Kenneth Wherry.

Democracy and Misinformation

The Cold War and today.

“1984” at Seventy

Why we still read Orwell’s book of prophecy.

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