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Harrison Gray Otis in superimposed over newspapers and palm trees.

Letter from Los Angeles

The history of the L.A. Times.
The front page of a copy the Los Angeles Municipal Times.

Once Upon a Time, Los Angeles Voters Created Their Own Newspaper

The story of the Los Angeles Municipal News, and the hope — and limitations — of publicly owned newsrooms.
Yoshitaka Watanabe family photo: from left Yoshitaka Watanabe, Toshiko, Masao, Kimiko, Tabo, Shigeo, Shizue Watanabe.

No, My Japanese American Parents Were Not 'Interned' During WWII. They Were Incarcerated.

The Los Angeles Times will no longer use "internment" to describe the mass incarceration of 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Collage of a photo of the mayor superimposed on a photo of a large KKK rally in a stadium.

The Los Angeles Mayor Who Was Also a KKK Leader

In 1929, Mayor Porter was part of a long history of city figures who perpetuated white supremacy as a foundational and systemic ideal.
CORE members march down Fort Hamilton Parkway.

CORE’s Struggle for Fair Housing Rights in LA

A brief history of how the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) led organized protests against racially-discriminatory housing in Los Angeles.
Artistic rendering of a sheet of newspaper with people crossed out, flowing above people working menial jobs whose heads are also crossed out, working next to signs that read "Sorry."

On Atonement

News outlets have apologized for past racism. That should only be the start.

Willful Waters

Los Angeles and its river have long been enmeshed in an epic struggle for control.
New Mexico landscape painting by Marsden Hartley.

A Tramp Across America

How a Los Angeles Times editor helped create the myth of the American West.
Angry mob in Manhattan

The Day Wall Street Exploded

On the spectacular act of terrorism that took place in Manhattan a century ago.
Lithograph of the 1871 massacre of Chinese workers in California.

How Los Angeles Covered Up the Massacre of 17 Chinese

The greatest unsolved murders in Los Angeles' history, bloodier than the Black Dahlia, more vicious than the hit on Bugsy Siegel, occurred on a night in 1871.

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