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Reenactors working with performance artist Dread Scott in 2019 retrace the route of an 1811 rebellion of enslaved people in Louisiana.

My Gun Culture Is Not Your Gun Culture

In Black Southern life, guns have been a sign of readiness against constant threats.
Black Legion members in wearing capes and hoods.

You Know About the KKK, but What About the Black Legion?

The Black Legion was a white supremacist fascist group headquartered in Lima, Ohio. Its worst deeds are lost to memory, but they shouldn’t be.
Movie poster of The Birth of a Nation depicting a Ku Klux Klan member as a knight.

How the Work of Thomas Dixon Shaped White America’s Racist Fantasies

On the literary and cinematic legacy of white supremacy in the United States.
Herbert Hoover breaking ground on a model home in front of a crowd.

Home Sweet Home

On the early years of the real estate industry, and the racist effort to convince white Americans to buy single-family homes.
A racist political cartoon depicting Uncle Sam as an educator teaching racialized colonial subjects in areas recently conquered by the U.S. during the War of 1898, the year of the white supremacist coup and massacre in Wilmington, N.C. and the mass disenfranchisement of Black Americans by the Supreme Court.

Heather Cox Richardson Shows the Importance of Holding Right-Wing Criminals and Frauds Accountable

Richardson’s work is as much about the contradictions of our shared past as it is an urgent call to action around the current authoritarian crisis.
Cover of book Seeing Red.

The State of Nature

From Jefferson's viewpoint, Native peoples could claim a title to their homelands, but they did not own that land as private property.
Camp meeting

The Long Road to White Christians' Trumpism

Any effective soul-searching must take into account the history of white American Christian support for white supremacist power.
Political cartoon of Uncle Sam as a teacher of children representing different ethnicities. European immigrants read studiously, new Caribbean and Pacific colonies resist, and Chinese, American Indian and African American children want to learn but are excluded.

The Long Shadow of White Supremacy in U.S. Foreign Policy

How to hide an empire, from the Spanish-American war to CIA-sponsored Latin American coups.
Photographs of Lilian Smith and Frank Yerby.

Frank Yerby and Lillian Smith: Challenging the Myths of Whiteness

Both Southerners. Both all but forgotten. Both, in their own ways, questioned the social constructions of race and white supremacy in their writings.
Protester at an "America First" rally.

The Great-Granddaddy of White Nationalism

Thomas Dixon’s racist discourse lurks in American politics and society even today.

White Supremacy Has Always Been Mainstream

“Very fine people”—fathers and husbands, as well as mothers and daughters—have always been central to the work of white supremacy.
Ta-Nehisi Coates.

The Afro-Pessimist Temptation

An examination of the tragic echoes of Reconstruction-era politics following Obama's presidency.
A photograph of the Louisiana State Insane Asylum in 1870.

Is White Supremacy a System of Corruption?

Before they even learn the details, adherents already know the outcome of real world events. The white guy will be the good guy, no matter what.
White nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the 'alt-right' clash with counter-protesters at the Unite the Right rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, VA.

The Vietnam War and White Power

A conversation with the author of "Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America."

Why White Southern Conservatives Need to Defend Confederate Monuments

Confederate monuments were essential pieces of white supremacist propaganda.

William Bradford Huie’s “The Klansman” @50

With Donald Trump bringing the Ku Klux Klan back into the spotlight, we must return to William Bradford Huie's 1967 novel.

Yes, Gone With the Wind Is Another Neo-Confederate Monument

How the classic film helped promote a Reconstruction myth that was central to the maintenance of Jim Crow.

"I've Studied The History Of Confederate Memorials. Here's What To Do About Them."

Many were funded privately. The public now deserves a say in their fate.

Regime Change in Charlottesville

If you understand why that Civil War statue really went up, the debate over removing it looks a lot different.

Racism, Medievalism, and the White Supremacists of Charlottesville

The weekend's demonstrators were the latest in a long line of American racists to ally themselves with an imagined Middle Ages.

Some Thoughts on Public Memory

The only logic to honoring Lee is to honor treason and treason in the worst possible cause.

The Nineteenth-Century Trump

President Trump is by no means off the mark to call attention to Andrew Jackson as a precursor. The analogy, however, is not necessarily flattering.

The Artifacts of White Supremacy

Why fiery crosses, white robes, and the American flag were seized upon by the 1920s Klan in its campaign for white nationalism.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed.

His Kampf

Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate.

Reasserting White Supremacy

South Carolina’s Ben Tillman and the 2016 presidential election.
Black and white photo of Woodrow Wilson and his cabinet sitting around a conference table.

How the Black Middle Class Was Attacked By Woodrow Wilson’s Administration

A historian looks at the widespread racism in the American progressive movement of the early 20th century.

Killing Reconstruction

During Reconstruction, elites used racist appeals to silence calls for redistribution and worker empowerment.
Noel Ignatiev.

Africans in America: Interview with Noel Ignatiev

On the of role white supremacist ideas in enforcing slavery in the U.S. in the 19th century.
“Jeffries Knock-Out,” photograph of the Jack Johnson vs. Jim Jeffries during the World Heavyweight Championship of 1910..

Jack London, Jack Johnson, and the Fight of the Century

In the 1910 World Heavyweight Championship, London cheered on Jim Jeffries as he faced off with Jack Johnson, the first Black heavyweight champion.

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