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Men wielding muskets.

America’s Original Gun Control

Early in our history, firearms laws were everywhere.
Collage showing people gathering at the site of school shootings.

The Second Generation of School Shootings

The fear that overtook us that day in 1988 was unfamiliar to most Americans. Now all too many know how it feels.
Revolutionary War reenactors shooting muskets.

“Originalist” Arguments Against Gun Control Get U.S. History Completely Wrong

Gun control is actually an American tradition.
Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley delivering the welcoming address to delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, on Aug. 26, 1968. BETTMANN ARCHIVE, VIA GETTY IMAGES

How Chicago Got Its Gun Laws

It’s nearly impossible to separate modern-day gun laws from race.

Guns in America

Reflections on the Second Amendment's original meaning, and how views about gun rights, gun ownership, and gun violence have evolved in the centuries since.

Reenactment of Old West gun fight

American Gun Culture Ignores How Common Gun Restrictions Were In The Old West

A scholar of gun culture looks at the roots of Americans’ love affair with firearms – and their willingness to accept gun violence as a price of freedom.
Contemplation of Justice statue

The Supreme Court’s Selective Memory

The Court’s striking down of a New York gun law relies on a fundamentally anti-democratic historical record that excludes women and people of color.
The United States Supreme Court building.

‘Originalism’ Only Gives the Conservative Justices One Option On a Key Gun Case

Regulations limiting armed travel in public, particularly in populous areas, stretch back over seven centuries.
A man holding a gun in a gun shop.

The Gun-Control Effort That Almost Stopped Our Addiction to ‘Weapons of War’

The 1968 Gun Control Act had the right idea — but it came too late.
Revolutionary War reenactment.

The Second-Amendment Case for Gun Control

It's a myth that the Founders opposed the regulation of deadly weapons.
Two people studying law books.

Repository of Historical Gun Laws

The Duke Center for Firearms Law's efforts to catalog the history of gun laws.

The Supreme Court’s Worst Decision of My Tenure

DC v. Heller recognized an individual right to possess a firearm under the Constitution. Here’s why the case was wrongly decided.

Assault Weapons Preserve the Purpose of the Second Amendment

Banning them would gut the concept of an armed citizenry as a final, emergency bulwark against tyranny.

When Prohibition Works

What the government's successful clampdown on Quaaludes can teach us about gun control.

Five Types of Gun Laws the Founding Fathers Loved

A Second Amendment scholar makes the case that gun restrictions are not a recent phenomenon.

Disarming the NRA

The Second Amendment does not stand in the way of better gun laws; the NRA does.

Gun Anarchy and the Unfree State

The real history of the Second Amendment.

The Shooting of a Nevada Senator in 1921 Spurred the First Big Push for Federal Gun Control

It was defeated by the firearm lobby.

A Historian’s Revealing Research on Race and Gun Laws

The notion that gun control has racist origins is popular in gun rights circles. Here's what's wrong with the claim.
Confederate soldiers stand among the ruins of houses.

The Slave-State Origins of Modern Gun Rights

The idea of an unfettered right to carry weapons in public originates in the antebellum South, and its culture of violence and honor.
FDR flashing the victory sign.

Franklin Roosevelt: The Father of Gun Control

One of the great pieces of unfinished business for the Democratic Party.
The statue "Authority of Law" by artist James Earle Fraser is seen outside the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C., in 2010.

The Supreme Court's 2nd Amendment Mistake

Consequences mattered to the Founders—and that meant early American judges upheld major gun restrictions.
A gun shop in Dunedin, Florida.

America Fell for Guns Recently, and for Reasons You Will Not Guess

The US today has extraordinary levels of gun ownership. But to see this as a venerable tradition is to misread history.
A man wearing a cowboy outfit shoots at a series of targets in a sand pit

Home on the (Firing) Range: Gunfight Reenactments, “Old West” Competitive Shooting, and the Myth of Authenticity

Reenactments of the frontier west, complete with cowboy shootouts on main streets, reproduce a narrative of history that is widely accepted by millions.
Police standing outside Luby's Cafeteria after the 1991 mass shooting.

The Massacre That Turned Texas Into the Most Gun-Friendly State in America

The effects of the 1991 mass shooting at a Luby's in Killeen can still be felt today—in the legislature and on our streets.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Conservatives’ Favorite Legal Doctrine Crashes Into Reality

Originalism is all the rage on the right, but a gun case at the Supreme Court is exposing its absurdity—even to the conservative justices.
AR-15 trigger, with banner of AR-15 on Confederate monument behind

How the AR-15 Became an American Brand

The rifle is a consumer product to which advertisers successfully attached an identity—one that has translated to a particularly intractable politics.
Ronald Reagan and Bob Hope at a USO appearance at Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina.

How Woke Bob Hope Got Canceled by the Right

The conservative comedian spoke out for gay rights and gun control, and got boycotted and ostracized by friends on the right, including Ronald Reagan.
Image of an AR-15

The Gun that Divides a Nation

The AR-15 thrives in times of tension and tragedy. This is how it came to dominate the marketplace – and loom so large in the American psyche.
A picture of the front of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court’s Faux ‘Originalism’

The conservative Supreme Court's favorite judicial philosophy requires a very, very firm grasp of history — one that none of the justices seem to possess.
A picture of an assault rifle on a red background.

The Rifle That Ruined America

As an NRA-approved icon and the mass shooter’s weapon of choice, the AR-15 has done untold harm.

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