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How AI Can Make History

Large language models can do a lot of things. But can they write like an 18th-century fur trader?

Impressed with ChatGPT, Humphries signed up for the OpenAI API and set out to make an AI research assistant. He was trying to track 18th-century fur traders through a morass of letters, journals, marriage certificates, legal documents, parish records, and contracts in which they appear only fleetingly. His goal was to design a system that could automate the process.

One of the first challenges he encountered was that 18th-century fur traders do not sound anything like a language model assumes. Ask GPT-4 to write a sample entry, as I did, and it will produce lengthy reflections on the sublime loneliness of the wilderness, saying things like, “This morn, the skies did open with a persistent drizzle, cloaking the forest in a veil of mist and melancholy,” and “Bruno, who had faced every hardship with the stoicism of a seasoned woodsman, now lay still beneath the shelter of our makeshift tent, a silent testament to the fragility of life in these untamed lands.”

Whereas an actual fur trader would be far more concise. For example, “Fine Weather. This morning the young man that died Yesterday was buried and his Grave was surrounded with Pickets. 9 Men went to gather Gum of which they brought wherewith to Gum 3 Canoes, the others were employed as yesterday,” as one wrote in 1806, referring to gathering tree sap to seal the seams of their bark canoes.

“The problem is that the language model wouldn’t pick up on a record like that, because it doesn’t contain the type of reflective writing that it’s trained to see as being representative of an event like that,” said Humphries. Trained on contemporary blog posts and essays, it would expect the death of a companion to be followed by lengthy emotional remembrances, not an inventory of sap supplies.

By fine-tuning the model on hundreds of examples of fur trader prose, Humphries got it to pull out journal entries in response to questions, but not always relevant ones. The antiquated vocabulary still posed a problem — words like varangue, a French term for the rib of a canoe that would rarely appear in the model’s training data, if ever.

After much trial and error, he ended up with an AI assembly line using multiple models to sort documents, search them for keywords and meaning, and synthesize answers to queries. It took a lot of time and a lot of tinkering, but GPT helped teach him the Python he needed. He named the system HistoryPearl, after his smartest cat.