Place  /  Oral History

Through Hell and High Water: Katrina's First Responders Oral History Project

A collection of interviews with rescue workers who responded to the disaster.

In October 2005, The Historic New Orleans Collection initiated Through Hell and High Water: Katrina’s First Responders Oral History Project, partnering with local, state, and federal agencies to document their experiences. The interviews done as part of this project reflect the disaster’s painful, chaotic, and murky aftermath. They cast a wide net over this important event and reveal many potential avenues for further research. Interview excerpts from six agencies are provided here. Our intent is not to make judgments or to interpret events, but to permit contemplation. Full interviews and transcriptions are available on the THNOC online catalog.

St. Bernard Parish Fire Department

St. Bernard Parish, located southeast of New Orleans, was almost entirely flooded. Members of the St. Bernard Parish Fire Department (SBFD) were positioned throughout the area and began rescue operations immediately after the storm. Some firemen were pre-positioned at Chalmette and St. Bernard high schools; both were parish-designated special needs shelters. As flood waters rose, residents from nearby neighborhoods sought refuge on the high schools’ upper floors. One of the fire department’s fundamental challenges was keeping the thousands of residents sheltering at the high schools alive. The near-complete inundation of the parish meant that it was nearly a week before substantial outside help arrived.

Eddie Appel, Captain, discusses the rapid rise of floodwaters at Chalmette High School. April 17, 2006 (2:04)

Barry Hadley, Captain, recalls two memorable rescue missions. May 3, 2006 (1:06)

Michael Binder, Fire Engineer, on searching for and recovering the bodies of St. Bernard Parish residents who perished during Hurricane Katrina. May 3, 2006 (1:14)

Barry Boos, Captain, discusses rising floodwaters at the Frederick J. Sigur Civic Center in Chalmette. April 17, 2006 (1:50)

Barry Boos on the need for body bags after Hurricane Katrina and the emotional impact of not being able to provide them. April 17, 2006 (00:54)

Raul Vallecillo, Fire Engineer, details the evacuation of the St. Bernard High School emergency shelter. May 3, 2006 (2:07)