All of this suggests an erosion of support for free speech among university leaders. While college administrations in the Vietnam era used police force as a last resort in the face of major campus disruptions, this past spring administrators used police as a first resort to suppress student protests even when those protesters—encamped outdoors on campus plazas or lawns—did not commit major disruptions of the university and its educational functions.
Last spring’s free speech crisis on campus shows that no victory for free speech, even one as famed as the FSM’s, can be assumed to have had a permanent national impact. The pressures on university leaders to suppress dissent, especially when it is viewed as radical and unpopular—as is virtually always the case with leftist-led student movements—are often difficult for even the most principled campus leaders to resist. Compounding this problem is a deeper truth about the FSM and the larger student movement of the 1960s that is rarely discussed: Despite all their mass organizing and triumphs on specific demands, such as liberalizing campus regulations, diversifying the curriculum, and ending some connections between the university and the military-industrial complex, student movements have generally lacked the power to restructure and democratize university governance. Thus, to this day, students are largely disenfranchised when it comes to campus decision-making, and it is this lack of a voice or a vote on university policy that forces students to hold demonstrations, to build encampments, and even to engage in civil disobedience if they want to be heard on any major university policy.
This issue is at least as old as the FSM itself. Soon after the free speech dispute erupted at Berkeley at the start of the fall 1964 semester, FSM organizers became concerned about the undemocratic nature of the university and how such important policies as campus rules concerning political advocacy were determined unilaterally by campus administrators, who were influenced not by the university community, its students and faculty, so much as by outside forces, especially wealthy business leaders and powerful politicians. Student activists’ awareness of this reality grew out of experience, as they had seen how criticism of their demonstrations and sit-ins targeting racially discriminatory employers in the Bay Area, especially criticism from conservative business leaders, media, and politicians, contributed to the administration’s decision in September 1964 to close the university’s free speech area at the main campus entrance—the action that ignited the Free Speech Movement.