Science  /  Longread

Patient Zero

Tom Scully is as responsible as anyone for the way health care in America works today.

One reading of the history of health care over the past half-century, as the profit motive was gradually introduced into insurance and delivery systems, is that little niches have sprung up, and people with capital have taken advantage. That would include Tom Scully.

At the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the first Bush administration and CMS under Bush II, Scully played a major role in many of the defining features of health care today, from Medicare Advantage and the privatized Part D prescription drug benefit to risk adjustment and the physician payment schedule. He wasn’t responsible for Obamacare, but the program closely follows his desire to solve problems through the private sector.

When Scully left CMS in late 2003, he joined Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, perhaps the leading health care–focused private equity firm, where he used his knowledge and contacts to invest in companies that were poised to capitalize on the incentives the government offered. Welsh Carson helped pave the way for what is now an investor gold rush into the medical system.

I’ve watched and listened to virtually every scrap of tape of Scully over the last 35 years, and I conducted a long interview with him in June. I think his beliefs are sincere. He thinks government price-setting doesn’t work, and that empowering private insurers that put their own money at risk leads to better and more efficient care. He believes poor people should be covered generously, but all other patients exposed to cost to reduce overutilization. And he wants the best hospitals and nursing homes and clinics to be paid more than the worst, to force advances in quality.

In practice, this set of philosophies has created the monster that is America’s health care system, where most of the money is public, but most of the entities dishing out and getting that money are private. Commercialization has crowded out what was a thriving nonprofit impulse; intensifying mergers and acquisitions have concentrated every aspect of the system; and a plague of middlemen each take their cut. Scully’s fear of big-government price-fixers has led to the triumph of big private profit-takers, at the cost of doctors, nurses, and patient care.

More than anything, the system has become maddeningly complex, with armies of functionaries working every angle, straddling every ethical line, to unlock a big safe full of money. Scully is America’s safecracker-in-chief. He designed so many aspects of this system, with its intricate nooks and crannies, that he’s practically the only person who understands it. That makes him an extremely valuable commodity. It’s almost as if he invented his career outside of government when he was transforming it on the inside.