University of Richmond Spotlight
Projects and pieces authored by faculty at the University of Richmond, where Bunk is based.
Bunk includes hundreds of pieces on early American history, but because recent topics are more frequently published in popular venues, earlier topics are underrepresented in Bunk. We are always looking for suggestions of more good content, either specific pieces or blogs, websites, and freely accessible publications we may not know about.
The Conversation allows republication of their content, but for most publications we simply post an excerpt and link out to the original publication. Bunk is less like a repository for articles, and more a database of connections -- a place where readers can find clusters of pieces that can inform their understanding of each piece of writing and its concrete subjects and abstract themes.
We also publish original short essays like this one. If there is a topic on which you would like to create a short interpretive introductory essay, perhaps designed for your own classroom use or to support your public-facing work, please tell us about it. We may be able to offer a modest honorarium. Users can already create shareable annotated collections like this one, and we are looking to solicit more so we can feature them on the Bunk website.