Things as They Are

Dorothea Lange created a vast archive of the twentieth century’s crises in America. For years her work was censored, misused, impounded, or simply rejected.
Rethinking Rufus book cover

The Rape of Rufus? Sexual Violence Against Enslaved Men

"Rethinking Rufus" argues that enslaved black men were sexually violated by both white men and white women.
Jessica Serifilippi inside the Schuyler Mansion

Schuyler Mansion Works to Bring Clarity to Alexander Hamilton’s Role as Enslaver

Throughout his career, Hamilton acted as a middleman for his family and friends to purchase enslaved people.

Ashes to Ashes

Should art heal the centuries of racial violence and injustice in the US?
Picture of an AP exam sign

The Strange World of AP U.S. History

Born out of the Cold War, the course has a great contradiction at its heart: why do we teach history?
Police officer cleaning a statue of Winston Churchill

We All Think History Will Be on Our Side. Here's Why We Shouldn't Rely on That Assumption.

The hope for historical vindication is loud now but not new.

How the 1619 Project Took Over 2020

It’s a hashtag, a talking point, a Trump rally riff. The inside story of a New York Times project that launched a year-long culture war.
Vandalized Christopher Columbus statue

Columbus Day Had Value for Italian Americans — But It’s Time to Rethink It

It helped erode discrimination but also upheld racial prejudice.
A man protesting for Mexican-American representation in history education.

Ethnic Studies Can’t Make Up for Whitewashed History in Classrooms

More diverse regular history classes are the key to a historically literate population.
A statue of Christopher Columbus.

Middle Schoolers Take on Columbus

A lesson on contextualizing history.
Artistic photo with american flags

Richard Hofstadter’s Discontents

Why did the historian come to fear the very movements he once would have celebrated?
Benjamin Tillman statue

American History Is Getting Whitewashed, Again

As demands for racial justice grow, Trump is pushing historical mythmaking into high gear.
Freedmen's memorial.

Of, By & For the Freedmen

On the aesthetics and history of the Freedman’s Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Black women, oil painting

Rebellious History

Saidiya Hartman’s "Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments" is a strike against the archives’ silence regarding the lives of Black women in the shadow of slavery.
Confederate soldiers on horses on a golf course

What’s in a Name? For Some Clubs in the South, Uneasy Ties to the Confederacy.

Golf clubs named after Confederate generals are attracting new scrutiny.
Installation of new historical marker by Emmet Till Memorial Commission at Graball Landing, October 2019.

Bulletproofing American History

Mabel Wilson discusses the history of racial violence and the continued vandalism and destruction of Black historical memorials in the Deep South.

A Military 1st: A Supercarrier is Named After an African-American Sailor

USS Doris Miller will honor a Black Pearl Harbor hero and key figure in the rise of the Civil Rights Movement.
Gettysburg Battlefield, with monuments visible in the distance

We Need to Talk About Confederate Statues on U.S. Public Lands

At places like the Gettysburg battlefield and Arlington National Cemetery, there's a new, escalating conflict over monuments that honor the Lost Cause.
The Equestrian statue, depicting a man on a horse.

The Racist History Behind El Paso’s XII Travelers Memorial

Protesters in El Paso have focused on toppling The Equestrian, a monument to a racist colonizer. But the story behind the monument goes deeper.
The cover of the textbook, "Heroes of Our America."

"Heroes of Our America": Reading a "Patriotic" History of the United States

This 1952 textbook serves as an example of the "patriotic history" that Donald Trump grew up with and calls for today.

Re-watching ‘The Civil War’ During the Breonna Taylor and George Floyd Protests

The landmark Ken Burns documentary hasn’t aged well. But it continues to shape American perceptions about the Confederacy and slavery.
President Donald Trump speaking at a podium at the National Archives

Revisionist History is an American Political Tradition

The founding generation revised the country’s history to make the new nation work.

Writing a History of a Pandemic During a Pandemic

Jon Sternfeld on collective memory and history as instruction.
Abraham Lincoln

Why We Keep Reinventing Abraham Lincoln

Revisionist biographers have given us countless perspectives, from Honest Abe to Killer Lincoln. Is there a version that’s true to his time and attuned to ours?

What Trump Is Missing About American History

Setting up a classroom battle between 1619 and 1776 gets history totally wrong and is damaging for our nation.
Trump speaking in front of Mount Rushmore, stage lit, mountains in night's darkness

Nostalgia and the Tragedy of Trump's Speech at Mount Rushmore

In a recent speech, Trump looks to America's past for answers. However, the history he recounts is glaringly limited.
Donald Trump in front of Mount Rushmore

Trump’s Vision for American History Education Is a Nightmare

But it’s one historians know all too well.

Trump Calls for More Patriotic Education

The president has blamed schools for spurring the unrest in several U.S. cities that has led in some cases to looting and fires.

How U.S. History Is Taught Has Always Been Political

Hearing about backlash to what kids are learning in U.S. History classrooms? It could have been last week—or 150 years ago.
A nose smelling.

What Smells Can Teach Us About History

How we perceive the senses changes in different historical, political, and cultural contexts. Sensory historians ask what people smelled, touched and tasted.