AOC and the American Founding

The problem with progressive intellectuals looking to the nation's founders for progressive models.

What Did the Founders Mean by “Democracy”?

The main issue they were debating was how democratic a representative body should be. And their answer was “not very democratic at all.”

Separation of Power

To make a more perfect union, don’t look to the Founding Fathers.

Again with the History

Were the founders really warning us about Trump, or were they just playing politics, too?

Is Ron Chernow's Ulysses S. Grant biography "OK"?

On October 15th, a tweet by Bunk contributing editor Kevin Levin touched off this fascinating exchange between several historians on the subject of popular history. Among the topics it covered were novelty, craft, context... and the musical Hamilton.
Clarence Darrow, left, with William Jennings Bryan, right, at the Scopes Trial.

Now More Than Ever, We Need Less History

The “now more than ever” tendency is everywhere.

Hawks vs. Doves — Which Side Would the Founding Fathers Have Taken?

Expansionism, and sending the military into others' lands, is a critical component of American republicanism, and a factor in independence itself.

Not Our Independence Day

The Founding Fathers were more interested in limiting democracy than securing and expanding it.

Founding Fathers, Founding Villains

A review of a handful of new books that embody the new liberal originalism.
Lithograph of James Madison from Portrait and Biographical Album of Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1891, Wikimedia.

The Founders’ Muddled Legacy on the Right to Bear Arms Is Killing Us

A case of 18th-century politicking has stymied our ability to deal with a 21st-century crisis.
Pete Seeger.

American Dreamers

Pete Seeger, William F. Buckley, Jr., and public history.
Alexander Hamilton.

Inventing Alexander Hamilton

The troubling embrace of the founder of American finance.