U.S. Capitol riot

Echo Chambers

Parallels between the American Revolution and the U.S. Capitol riot.
An illustration of two men in 1770s clothing fighting in a river.

Has the World Gone Mad? An Interview with Sarah Swedberg

Swedberg's new book shows how prevalent concerns about mental illness were to the people of the early American republic.

Assassination as Cure: Disease Metaphors and Foreign Policy

The poorly crafted disease metaphor often accompanies a bad outcome.

What Does Gender Have to Do with the Desert?

"Everything, of course."

Manly Firmness: It’s Not Just for the 18th Century (Unfortunately)

The history of presidential campaigns shows the extent to which the language of politics remains gendered.

Who is Dead?

What constitutes death is based on more factors than those that are medical.

The Discovery of the Mental Institution

Mental health care has never been adequate in the U.S.

Take a Hay Ride: Remembering Louise Hay

Did the bestselling self-help author do more harm than good for early patients with AIDS?

Fleas, Fleas, Fleas

A reflection on the role of parasites in early American history.