
Harriet Beecher Stowe

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A contemporary Atlantic writer reflects on one of the voices from the magazine's archives who helped shape the publication—and the nation.
engraving of Harriet Beecher Stowe

A Forgotten 19th-Century Story Can Help Us Navigate Today’s Political Fractures

Reconciliation is good — but not at any cost.
Harriet Beecher Stowe imagining her characters.

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and the Art of Persuasion

Stowe’s novel shifted public opinion about slavery so dramatically that it has often been credited with fuelling the war that destroyed the institution.
Title page of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

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John Andrew Jackson spent a night at Harriet Beecher Stowe’s home as he fled north. Why do so few traces of his visit remain?
In this drawing from ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin,’ a Black child is taken from his mother by a white man.

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Image from the filmstrip, showing a grieved woman with her head in her hands, being comforted by a man standing beside her

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Drawing of Josiah Henson

The Man Who Became Uncle Tom

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Black preacher giving an antislavery sermon to an integrated audience.

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Engraving of Harriet Beecher Stowe in profile.

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Josiah Henson

Before ‘Uncle Tom’ Was a Bestseller, He Was Josiah Henson

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Laura Bush and Michelle Obama.

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The language that has long been critical to covertly mobilizing activism.
Lithograph of Josiah Henson in his autobiography.

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Norma Gabler gives a press conference on July 20, 1977 holding up books in her hand.

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John Andrew Jackson riding a galloping horse and tipping his hat.

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Portrait of a Black woman; artist unknown, American, circa 1830–1835.

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The Hall of the House of Representatives.

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Henry Ward Beecher.

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Tina Turner singing on stage

America Loved Tina Turner. But It Wasn’t Good To Her.

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin jigsaw puzzle.

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