Barack Obama speaking in front of a museum exhibit titled "Writing the Constitution."

The Constitution and the American Left

A culture of reverence for the U.S. Constitution shields the founding document from criticism, despite its many shortcomings.
Aziz Rana.

Aziz Rana Wants Us to Stop Worshipping the Constitution

A conversation with the legal scholar on why it is unusual that the Constitution is core to American national identity.
A rally for the 1970 Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention hosted by the Black Panthers.

Democracy Was a Decolonial Project

For generations of American radicals, the path to liberation required a new constitution, not forced removal.
Student protesters at Columbia University in April 1968.

Reviving the Language of Empire

On revisiting the anti-imperialism of the 1960s and ’70s amid the return of left internationalism.
Middle class neighborhood with sold home sign

Our Segregation Problem

The consequences of racial separation are significant for left political organizing aimed at building a multiracial working-class majority.
Cover of "The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution" by Joseph Fishkin and William E. Forbath.

American Social Democracy and Its Imperial Roots

This post is part of a symposium on “The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution,” a new book by Joseph Fishkin and William E. Forbath.
logo for the website, a clouded background and the words Law and Political Economy Project.

The Long History of Anti-CRT Politics

The history of anti-racial justice rhetoric.
The National Archive rotunda, Washington, D.C.

Why Americans Worship the Constitution

The veneration of the Constitution is directly connected to America’s emergence as global hegemon.
"We the People"; US Constitution

It Would Be Great if the United States Were Actually a Democracy

The pervasive mythmaking about the supposed wisdom of the founders has covered up a central truth: the US Constitution is an antidemocratic mess.
Book cover for The Two Faces of American Freedom

The Two Faces of American Freedom, Ten Years Later: Part One

On the ten year anniversary of Aziz Rana's book, Henry Brooks interviews him on his influential book and what it might teach us about the legacies of populism.

Goodbye, Cold War

For the first time, we are living in a truly post-cold-war political environment in the United States.
Martin Luther King Jr. speaking into news microphones.

Against National Security Citizenship

By connecting liberation at home with an end to U.S. militarism abroad, today's black activists are picking up where MLK left off.

Race and the American Creed

Recovering black radicalism.
Vintage advertisment for Indian Land on sale, by the U.S. Department of the Interior

Universalizing Settler Liberty

America is best understood not as the first post-colonial republic, but as an expansionist nation built on slavery and native expropriation.