
Alexis C. Madrigal

The Way We Write History Has Changed

A deep dive into an archive will never be the same.

Before It Conquered the World, Facebook Conquered Harvard

On Facebook's 15th anniversary, Harvard students and faculty reflect on being the first users of Earth's largest social network.

How the Disposable Straw Explains Modern Capitalism

A history of modern capitalism from the perspective of the straw. Seriously.

Why No One Answers Their Phone Anymore

Homeowners used to rush to pick up the phone. What happened?

When Did TV Watching Peak?

It’s probably later than you think, and long after the internet became widespread.

When the Revolution Was Televised

MLK was a master television producer, but the networks had a narrow view of what the black struggle for equality could look like.

The People Who Would Survive Nuclear War

How an appendix to an obscure government report helped launch a blockbuster and push back the possibility of atomic war.

Future Historians Probably Won't Understand Our Internet, and That's Okay

Archivists are working to document our chaotic, opaque, algorithmically complex world—and in many cases, they simply can’t.

What Facebook Did to American Democracy

And why it was so hard to see it coming.